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RE: If you got downvoted by me, please contact @hivewatchers / @spaminator

in #downvote8 months ago

This account has been on the blacklist since then. It was blacklisted for keeping refusing to stop mass-recycled post-spam farming. It received a 365-day appeal then and did not finish the appeal.
If you stopped receiving blacklist micro downvotes from the spaminator, it is because of the overload of the bot.
You are still blacklisted. The bot is likely catching up.


This was over two years ago.
I believe I was asked to post with rewards declined for either a time period or a certain number of posts.
I think I completed the declined rewards requirement and I stopped recycling posts.
I thought my suspension was lifted after doing those things.

Could you please tell me when you came to Discord and requested the appeal and when it was granted with these instructions?

It was a little over 2.5 years ago.
I am sorry, but I don't remember the exact instructions, I remember being told to post original content and I think mark it rewards declined for a certain number of posts.
I am not sure. It could have been 10 posts or even 20.
I honestly don't remember. I just published the number of posts, rewards declined and waited. I don't remember hearing anything from anyone after that, but the downvotes stopped, so I assumed I was off the blacklist.

We have no record in Discord showing that you ever came to appeal.

Discord Appeals:

I understand.
I went to the discord and read the instructions.
I have stopped recycling posts.
I already posted the required amount of posts which were Rewards Declined over 2.5 years ago.
I can write an apology post, but I no longer have the links for the posts from 2.5 years ago to add.
If I write one without thse links would that be acceptible?

I stopped recycling posts over two years ago. May I be removed from the blacklist of accounts please.