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RE: Where are the downvotes (SP) going?

in #downvotes5 years ago

This stands out to me @abh12345 ...

"What I would like to add is that the absence of large accounts as 'voters' in the list is probably as telling as the accounts that appear."

[emphasis added mine]

... as it had a significant impact on my reaction "in here" to all associated with the EIP changes of HF 21 / 22. Specifically, all the "rah, rah" championing of these changes, then ... Sitting on the sidelines watching the ensuing carnage ...

Not true of everyone, of course, and your work shows "the good, the bad, and the ugly" of how this has played out, thus far. Too bad there is no way to measure the impact of all of this on user retention. All I have is anecdotal evidence that it has been considerable ... And not in a positive way ...

IMHO, after my +1-½ year "journey" on our Steem blockchain, there is a need to better address the "human condition." Much better ... The retaliatory reaction of too many big accounts is damaging. I don't think that can be effectively refuted. And, while yes they are some accounts which attempt some compensation, it is woefully inadequate ... And spotty ... Again, I don't think that can be effectively refuted.

My $0.02 ... Up before 🌄 (here), on into my day ...