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RE: Do you want more contests or challenges on steemit?

in #dpoll5 years ago (edited)


Let me try to correct my fault

Yes is more for new entrepeuners and new ideas may be more unique ones

Need more is for already running one and need more payments for more interests and quality entries

So @glenalbrethsen what kind of a contest you will participate or host

Thanks for interest

(i thought this answer after i published 😊👍✌️) for third choice


Well, I've entered a few over the time I've been here. The ones I'm still participating in is @abh12345's Curation And Engagement Leagues. STEEM prizes for top 10 places, plus SBI giveaways by league participants for other placings.

I also participate in @curie's curation contest. I participate in the five minute freewrite, which is mostly for fun, and @foodfightfriday's weekly contests about food.

These are all things that I'm naturally doing throughout the course of a week, so it's not like I really go out of my way to participate. That's why I've shied away from others.

I don't host a contest, and probably never will. I'd rather put my personal efforts in curating content I believe adds value to the platform, while producing my own. That's where I think I'm most useful. :)


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