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RE: Dear Steem Community, could a decentralized community regulated account be the next step needed towards a better Steem?

in #dpoll5 years ago (edited)

I agree it would be better to do it via an interface. I don't see a reason for a central account for that.

One way how to do this would be to use a special tag for this kind of important posts. Then any interface could be used to view these and anyone could post there - that's the most decentralized way. But probably not very practical as there would definitely be people abusing this tag for increased visibility.

To fix that you need somebody who will decide what to show and what not. We could have a community manager for that, or to be as decentralized as possible, a committee. This committee could then mark each important post via a special comment. It would then be up to the interfaces to make a special section where these important posts would be shown.

We could do this on Steeve and I'm sure it wouldn't be too difficult for others as well.

@thereawolf @soyrosa @llfarms what do you think about that?

Posted using Steeve, an AI-powered Steem interface


Yes! This is a genius idea @hr1!!!! we have a curation guild that uses the exact tech to solve this problem. we have 67 elected ambassadors. The guild only votes if any 3 of them curates a piece of content on a particular tag (this is the #promo-steem tag and the guild is called CAMPUS and votes from the account @steem-amabssador. It was conceptualized by @oracle-d and built by @anarcotech. I am sure with some small mods we can implement for this idea above.

Awesome @starkerz, I‘ve been doing this in a simple format for @c-squared (Dutch community) - They also only vote on a piece if more than 1 person says ‘yes’ - since curating multiple languages is hard to do otherwise.

Posted using Partiko iOS

we automated this with CAMPUS over a year ago. lets chat and maybe this method could help you out a lot and save you and you community a lot f time!
Depending on how many 'oracles' you have and what the vote threshold is of the curating you can be as centralized or decentralized as you like. if you have a large threshold and a lot of oracles, you effectively put money printing directly into the hands of the community itself!

Yesss!!! Thanks! Would love to learn how you’ve been doing all of this, we’ll chat.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Cool that you have this working already!

The only thing - I proposed to use a special comment instead of just vote so that the committee members can still vote as they please without interfering.

But the important message is - if we agree on the rules, then any interface can monitor these public blockchain events, be it votes or special comments, and show what was agreed on.

Posted using Steeve, an AI-powered Steem interface

Interesting! Also it will help make sure the best ideas are given exposure based on the comments of people who have a vested interest... sounds like a very useful feature for the steem blockchain

Ah see?! This is why I wrote the post, sometimes what is needed is not 'that much', but can be done with a minimal amount of developing.

  • This sounds very 'doable' and is indeed very decentralized.
  • (I would love it if we could use tags and have the post actually stay visible even after the 7 day treshold in this case).
  • Posts should be shown without/regardless of post rewards/value
  • A curation group of people for 'the special' tag would be needed, but only to weed out what is clearly spam.
  • We'd have one URL/pointer for all the 'important' posts

Thanks, I'm going to think on this more - you really made me see a different route, very much appreciated.

Wow, this is a really great idea and makes it as decentralized as possible. I love it @hr1!

I’m curious how it would work exaclty to ensure users are seeing the “announcement” type posts, as they would have to actually go to the tag feed on the interface for it to be seen rather than an account they follow just showing up in their feed. I’m sure there is an easy solution to that though.

I’d love to see this happen personally!

Could be as simple as the pinned post feature on :-) I’m starting to see the ‘shape’ of this.

Posted using Partiko iOS

It depends on the quantity of such posts. If there is only 1 important post at a time, then pinning could be used, as suggested by @soyrosa. Or if there are more important posts, but not too many - let's say 1 a day, then we can show it as our top recommendation. In case there are more than that, I think the best would be to really keep them in a special section.

Posted using Steeve, an AI-powered Steem interface