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RE: Poll for the Witnesses -- on HF21

in #dpoll5 years ago

How does Traf and Blocktrades and Cervantes getting exactly what they want constitute compromise? From the simulations "convergent linear" isn't really any different from an exponential curve for the vast majority of posts.

Is there some part of the "compromise" that supports the thousands of accounts disadvantaged by this proposal that I'm somehow missing? Because from here it looks as if everyone except Matt has just rolled over.


I agree with the idea of a convergent linear curve. There are problems with n^2 as well as purely linear. In my view, convergent linear is a happy medium.

For users with less stake, they are going to need to figure out how to play the curation “game” more optimally if they want their votes to count. The system was originally designed for rewards to be based on the “wisdom of the crowd” and this is more in line with that.

Who is Matt, and how can I vote for him? Oh, is that Yabapmatt?
Will anyone else step up who opposes EIP enough that they can get witness consensus to shift away from implementing EIP?

Drakos has stated no on the EIP ... he's witness 21. Not sure if he votes or not.

If we all vote for him, maybe we can push him into the top 20, where he will have a voice.

Posted using Partiko Android

he's had my vote for some time. Does a lot of great work on the platform including this site which I use a lot...
I use it a lot

He just got my vote

Posted using Partiko Android