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RE: Why do you think that STEEM is underperforming?

in #dpoll5 years ago

Voted for

  • Some other reason.

Well, Steem is advertised as a Censorship Resistant Platform but many of the top Whales will destroy new users accounts if they post anything slightly against the Mainstream Narrative.

Most users are leaving as soon as they arrive. And that won't change any time soon.

Meanwhile, users like me, who have been here for over a year, start to see that the Top Witnesses don't care about protecting the Network against Trolls and Bullies... so we start thinking about leaving.

In the end of the day, the list of users dropping out is higher than the list of users signing in. This, unfortunately, starts to look like a race to zero.


I guess I have not really experienced these issues, but I tend to try and keep myself out of trouble. Thanks for your perspective on this.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah, if you don't post about controversial stuff, you have nothing to worry about... but, if like @maxsieg, you post about topics that are not accepted by the Mainstream Media, you're pretty much f@cked around here.

That's why I don't think the future of Steem is as bright as many seem to think. After all, with this attitude from most whales and witnesses, we'll never be a platform for serious bloggers but only for personal blogs with topics like photo, art, music and such.

Anything that can spur a discussion... and I'm afraid you'll be better off in Facebook.

And let's face it, which serious investor or venture capitalist will invest in a Social Media site where only material of little value or importance can be freely shared...?

You seem to be mistaking Steem with Steemit. Steem is the blockchain, nothing is hidden there. But sure, you can gray out a post on Steemit if you like. It’s still there though.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I am not mistaking anything. The Top Witnesses can choose to allow new users to be harassed, insulted, bullied and threatened for their opinions... or they can prevent that from happening.

Since the Top Witnesses are letting it all slide, including some death threats, then the problem is with the Steem Blockchain itself. Changing the frontend is absolutely meaningless.

Changing front end is actually very reasonable. You can’t flag in Partiko and posts hidden via flags on Steemit are very much visible. Your issue seems to be with Steemit rather than Steem.

Posted using Partiko iOS

How does that help changing the climate of terror that most Steemians live under? Most people in here live in a constant fear of "saying anything wrong" because they might get their accounts destroyed in 5 minutes. You know that as well as I do.

I don’t fear flags at all. But then I don’t typically write about anything groundbreaking or controversial either.

Posted using Partiko iOS

And I'll tell you more. I went through my Witnesses List recently, I've checked who were supporting the Trolls and the Bullies, either directly or indirectly, and removed my votes from them.


I can see @trinkcowski's point, and have observed and taken a look at some of the accounts mentioned. I think that the dApps are shifting the focus of STEEM as a blockchain. Those that came and have been around for a while and focused on Steemit and blogging mainly can experience the issues refered to above. I do think that the prospects for the chain are quite different from the prospects for Steemit as a front end, and the traditional "free speach blogging platform" that many came here for.

Posted using Partiko Android