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RE: Just so people know

in #drama • 4 years ago (edited)

👌👌 Totally agree man. I see a lot of posts that are on trending with a shallow substance and does have no engagement or such. People are abusing the system in a way that they post even without quality because they know they can fish for rewards. Some also make autovotes so they can maximize their earnings. But does not apply to all because some people who receive some autovotes are worthy of it. In that way, autovote is REALLY GOOD. But Holy crap,the trending page should be posts with substance and with quality. Not with some crap posts. Fck.

Anyway, just do what's the best for you and for the majority man:) Don't stress yourself out. Keep the vibes up dude!


Lol and where is the engagement on the rest of the posts that are just blind votes and usually zero comments?

People ignore that the whole system lacks engagement. Expect these posts where community huddles up to complain about a boogie man.