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RE: My dream characters always attack me

in #dream2 years ago

Flying is the best thing for real! Hahah I wish I could just fly all the time. Glad you remembered those stuff (I believe we get a lot of dreams or OBEs every night but we just don't get to remember haha) cos it's really fun (minus the scary part). Yeah for some reason we're always attracted to doing sexual stuff in dreams but that's human nature

True. If you won't let anybody else access it, they won't be able to :D


Yeah flying is awesome... in that dream i learnt to fly, but in many others i was there floating in the air :)
I know i can do it lol ahahaha!!

Yeah i don't know the reason, but I don't mind having those dreams lolol ;)

Sure.. brain is so powerful.. don't worry!!

Have an awesome day... i enjoyed having this chat with you.