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RE: My dream characters always attack me

in #dream2 years ago

dream characters always attack me

This sounds like a good plot for a horror or thriller story lol. You got an interesting practice of monitoring how you sleep; I once read that doing something like that would help you have lucid dreams more often. Was that the goal haha? Gorgeous pic, btw.


Yeah it does, and developing some habit like doing reality checks every 5 minutes help with lucid dreaming. That wasn't my goal, I just find it interesting how my physical body reacts when I'm having sleep paralysis or intense dreams. It started when I was having sleep paralysis and I was sleeping in the living room and my dog woke me up - apparently they can smell the sudden change of heart rate and breathing so that's why he woke me up.

Yikes. I remember how helpless and terrifying sleep paralysis is. Good doggo, Ethan. No need to worry as long as he's by your side.

Yeah my first time (+few times) was like that until I started researching about it cos I have it often. Now I'm not afraid if it happens anymore and I can control my emotions pretty well. In fact I'd like to seize that opportunity to do some astral projection while I'm conscious lol

That's some advance level skills lol. Meditating before sleeping helps with lucid dreaming or remote viewing experience too.