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RE: I had a Dream about Cupcakes...

in #dreemtest4 months ago

hahaha... sick of cupcakes already? !LOLZ I am good thanks. A little tired but the first week of the month is always busier at work for me, and I still have my boys to juggle on top of that, not to mention online stuff 😂🤗 This weekend I plan to rest a fair bit, and hopefully find some time to write too! I need to help my youngest to learn his lines for a play at church on Sunday and will likely end up playing some basketball with him. We have the first CWH sessions tomorrow and Saturday with Alessandra for the February Dreemport collaboration challenge (hoping to make them both!), and on Sunday I have a Trustees AGM for the charity I volunteer with... it's a local playground situated outside my youngest's school. As he will be moving to high school in September, I will slowly be moving away from the charity and allowing others who are parents of younger children at the primary school to move in to help with the running of it. I'll have to tackle my eldest for cuddles and mom-son time at some point this weekend too! Have a wonderful restful weekend, my lovely xx

ps: I just read that back... hm... doesn't sound so restful anymore 😱


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Nothing, they just hung out and chilled.

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