
Nice post! What will happening, if someone resteem your post?

Nice video my friend
I like your post

I have to try it.

Love mango.... and love REALLY HOT sauce... This will be sweet next to the SWEETest spice! =)
Amazing stuff... thankx Alla!

ehhehe yeah its soo good! !:) do it!

I just noticed... the number of tags you have... has it changed??? no more 5 limits?

EDIT: Just tested and steemit still implies the 5 tag limit. But then... the blockchain does not.

oooh no sure what happened there i thought i only had 5 tags, but i didnt even realise its here!!

I was not expecting those two last words, yum

That's what I'm talking about. I must be behind. You're doing videos I'm late. Good job. In Guyana we use a similar sauce to dip in our pholourie.

Hell yeaah, this looks sooo legit. Will definitely keep this combo in mind when I’m in Ecuador next month!! Thanks!

wow Very interesting Really beautiful work, ThankS you for sharing