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RE: Massive Update From Stellabelle: My First DTube Video! Winners of SP Delegations! New Projects!

in #dtube6 years ago

All very worthy delegations. I thoroughly enjoyed your blog. I hope you do it more, and dope glasses :) ! I like the person to person, on person at a time method myself! You are exceptional and are able to help multiple and even still to delegate Steem to others that are doing good things too! I appreciate everything you do here! and I hope you will listen to this song about being interconnected and interdependent. Its my favorite song and I think you will appreciate the lyrics! You can find it here

And lastly, have you ever listened to or read any Welcome to Nightvale?! Your speech and your wording is reminiscent of it!

I would also like to confirm the greatness of TeamSteem, that guy helps more people than he will ever know. He also does more for Steemit than he will ever know! I wish we could do something for him and somehow get him into the top 20 witnesses!!