
Successful Send of 10001
Sending Account: grow-pro
Receiving Account: finnian
New sending account balance: 522291
New receiving account balance: 40000
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: d1acadaf178e8c23c97c8edb06820c60ef446f2f
Thanks for using POCKET! I am running this confirmer code.

Bah but thanks! I do look like Grizzly Adams. LOL

After I saw the remblance in LP discord... I think he might be a long lost brother, Finnian 😆🍻

I was just talking to Brown. There's an idea I have that I need to talk to you about. It may be a way to combine two awesome things at once too.

Hit me on email or if u can't get to had me at maximizing Ears will be on. GINAbot might be the best secretary I ever had is down. Rats! I'll email you.

Can see missed chat messages, but site is down (has been for me). Will check muh mail