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I love your Steemwhales site you created. Is there any chance you could update the database? I would greatly appreciate it and even make a post about it, to spread the site again.
Greetings from germany

What a difference between dtube a couple months ago and dtube now. Great work guys it really shows when using the app.

That is quite a list of improvements and I am really stoked. I know this is a complicated project that is not easy but it really is something the internet needs to break the YouTube monopoly on video content.

I am one of the people that migrated from YouTube due to their censorship. Although I will still post the occasional video to Youtube at some point as Dtube continues to improve I may completely abandon it.

Thanks for all the hard work @heimindanger ! (And team)

Hi, I just testet with a small music-video (not my content), and I have a question depending on that. I don't want to hurt the original creators of music, but I want to "remember" very good classics from 20 years ago or older. I know that the video quality can not compete with todays music-videos, but there was a lot of good music bevore MTV was life :-) .... now my question: Is there any limitation/regulation/possibility inside to upload and share such content without hessations? Can I go for it? Or would this be a NOGO?

Even if D.Tube does not regulate content and you might get away with it, just don't do it! (Unless you have the content owner's permission, then by all means go ahead)

I am aware what DRM means and what the author rights are, but isn't it possible to find a way within the blockchain to contribute both - the author and the admirer of a great pice of art (not every music is art to everyones ears, but still it is art) .... the "test"-post I selected was from an artist who is not alive anymore, but the rights to publish his great work (with or without altering) are 70years prohibited. This is way to long in my opinion

I hope there will be a way to reward both producers and distributors in the future. It was actually this very idea which brought me to Steemit in the first place. I really liked the idea that you could share other users' content on your own blog in a legit way with the rewards being split. Unfortunately this only works if the content creator used Steemit in the first place, but I hope that after a while, Steemit will grow enough to establish a new standard in value distribution for content. Oh, and I do agree that the 70 year limit is really long;)

"this is way too long in my opinion" - @cryptomum
yeah, welcome to the club. We can thank Walt Disney for that!

I'm currently considering using D.Tube in addition to my YouTube channel, but today when I tried to upload my first video the upload failed after about 50%, so it's not exactly off to a good start. I haven't given up on the idea though, so I will try again in a week or so.

That happens to me too. It gets frustrating but hopefully it will get better with more updates.

Yeah, the story of my Dtube life lol. I tried countless times to upload. It seems to jam at like 90% for me. However, I am very happy about the new improvements. Thank you for all your work @heimindanger

It has happened to me also but some hiccups are to be expected on new technology like this. I'm not sure if it is more problematic at certain times of the day.

I uploaded today and I have to say the improvements are a great step in the right direction. A lot more user friendly and I didn't have to go back into my steemit post to re-edit it. If the improvements continue at this pace in a couple years Dtube will be a very competitive platform.

Mine upload ok but viewing them is stuck sometimes ... but that's maybe because of my crappy connection sometimes :)

most of the errors are because of the snaps. Use the app Photo & Picture Resizer to crop your snaps by 40%, that should solve 90% of your upload problems. give it a try if you like, i've already uploaded 10 episodes with no problems what so ever after using that app :)

I always resize no my HD video snaps to 750px width, that works.

This platform is going to DIE. They are allowing full movies and pirated videos up there and these assholes ar making money off it. No chance in hell it will go anywhere if they allow this trend. Pathetic!

I don't agree with you on that for certain reasons.

Dtube started not so long ago unlike Youtube that's been around like forever.

The developers of dtube are on a constant grind to make the platform better and they are doing a really great job in that aspect.

Rome wasn't built in a day, hence, come back in a few years time to say something like this, one thing I'm very sure of though, in a few years time dtube would have grown so much that you won't have the chance to say something like this. Thanks, God bless

The community needs to police this and downvote accordingly.

I hope the whole system fails after some corporation sues them. They should be monitoring this but are allowing a wild wild west to take place. It's disgusting

have you looked at the content being placed on ? Also community will downvote pirated content, so "quote" Assholes "quote end" won't make money of pirated content.

@roelandp - I already see some dude making $3 from an episode of The Office. $3 might not be a lot to some, but for others it can make a difference. I will downvote them all though, thanks man

Please do downvote ALL pirated and copyright infringed videos. The problem though is that not all copyright infringements are easy to spot, and sometimes it can be a legitimate owner of a Youtube channel reposting their content on Dtube, and you should not penalize them because you did not realize it was their own original content.

I guess all legitimate youtubers should make their account names match their youtube channel names, and mention in their video description that it is in fact their own original content.

You are talking about .00000001 % of the community here. If pirated and copyrighted content was well rewarded, that's what the majority of Steemit would be. It's NOT.

You don't fully grasp the implication of blockchain tech bro.

Hint: the concept of free open source software is going to be applied to everything.

Oh really? So you guys think that full movies and series will go up and nothing will happen? All will be dandy? Riiiight. Keep dreaming.

Full movies have been available through software like bittorent for a long time and nothing happened.And now IPFS is taking it to the next level. So yeah all is dandy in a decentralized world :)

You are raising a very important point that absolutely ALL Steemit witnesses should lose some sleep over...

They said that about the tape cassette, then the CD, then the MP3, then napster, then everything else, yet here we are still ticking.

The Dtube devs aren't the ones posting pirated stuff. Of course they should be rewarded for their work.
Your comment seem to be based on the premise of pirating being immoral.
But many disagree with that premise.
Your comment is very subjective.

Disagreed with you completely. DTube is amazing, still slow compared to the mainstream rip off Youtube who does not pay a single penny to its users rather than they selected Youtube stars. Agreed with you in the subject of original content creators but the film industry make billions every single day, let the pirates earn some bucks...Or are you the world Saviour, detective?

Hi, I just wanted to say hi and wish you merry christmas. Also a big thank you for keeping me on your auto-voter.

So I guess those people who think there is nothing immoral about pirating would not think it immoral if I stole their car or any other of their property I think I might want to sell or use.

So you feel it's perfectly fine to upload a movie and make money off it? That's weak man.... Freebooting fucking pathetic mentality

Pirating isn't good in the societies we live in. Only because copywrite was created...... You know? That jumble of bold letters coded onto a screen which you pair meaning to?
Content should be free. Probably not the content that you find pre-2009 but everything thereafter should be free. Society develops as fast as those who run it. Look at bitcoin, doing its lunges. The money is moving and the companies will follow. They will deal with it all and a resolution will come to play in time. - look, the fence isn't that bad. Calling the glass a container with liquid is the same as saying its half full. or half empty..
also @diskidomain those words wont get you far here. What are your honest thoughts on constructive criticism?

Here for the discussion, not the argument

@kodieamos - thanks for the reply. Sorry man but I don't feel original content creators should feel obliged to work 100's of hours on work and then some douche thief comes along and steals thier work and monetizes off it! That's the issue here. If ORIGINAL content creators got rewarded for their original work, the ecosystem would thrive. Instead, we have little runts sitting and waiting to steal content daily. These same runts like Ladbible have massive followings and obivously get better reach or engagement. That is simply unfair! No two ways to look at it. It shouldn't be about the money, but when you see thieves profiting off your hard work, it's disgraceful. I have had this happen to me multiple times. I am a creator and to see my original work get stolen and then viewed 14 MILLION times by some theif scum account, I have every right to be upset.
The whole point of the Blockchain is to protect content fairly I believe. But now sites like this are going to make the issue worse? No thanks, won't be a part of it. I will stick to Youtube then and feed the giant I hate rather...

If Dtube welcomes the pirates and the thieves, then do they welcome child porn and ISIS beheading videos and things of that nature too?

"Pirating isn't good in the societies we live in. Only because copywrite was created...... You know? That jumble of bold letters coded onto a screen which you pair meaning to?
Content should be free. Probably not the content that you find pre-2009 but everything thereafter should be free. Society develops as fast as those who run it."

Stealing cars isn't good in the societies we live in. Only because theft laws were created...... You know? That jumble of metal which you pair meaning to?
YOUR car and all of your belongings should be free for anyone to use. Probably not if your car is pre-2009 but everything thereafter should be free for anyone to use. Society develops as fast as those who fuck it up!

How long did YouTube go with pirated content on it? Years?

And do you understand decentralized? There is no way to stop it or take it down...the content isnt on servers under any one entities control.

@taskmaster4450 - So basically, it's a fully fledged perfect hub to PIRATE to your hearts content? Awesome. This is what we needed :( I'm done then. Sadly my followers and people begging for content will just have to accept my days are over.

Are you really going to come at me from this perspective?

Get your head out of your ass. The Internet, you know that thing that is about 25 years old, is the biggest copy machine in the world. Do you really think that D.Tube is required to steal content? It has been going on since the internet came into being.

You are complaining about a portion of the population that takes content yet are state that you are going to keep posting on YouTube which is 100% oppressive and censoring.

And you attack D.Tube? How dare you? Who the hell are you to attack a platform that can provide a voice to millions of people who live in tyrannical societies? No you get your panties in a ruffle since you some takes a few dollars out of your pocket.

Like most people who want freedom, you cant handle. You still want big brother to take care and protect you. Kneel at the altar of the oppressor all the while complaining.

You are right, get to YouTube and let google protect you.

@diskdomain Stop crying! Show me original content on internet that has value, please.
Except some media news, everything is rewritten, redone, rehearsed, simply stolen as you call it, it's all about those who can make money of it.
Accept it, this is the reality of life. Thank you

You aren't a content creator obviously, you don't get it. Peace

freaking dtube wont let me login keeps saying my key is wrong when ive copyied and recopped the private posting keey from here multiple times and username exactly makes non sense!

You and I always have the option to flag those videos if they are not in the public domain. If they are copyrighted, the owners still have the option to send a DMCA takedown notice.

Unlike YouTube, the amount of money a video makes on DTube is publicly viewable so it's very foolish of these users to upload these movies, advertising how much illegal money they are earning. Don't won't have any defense when they are caught.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

Thanks for the reply. But don't you believe some measures should be put in place at some stage to ban such pirates? How will you guys handle a law suit etc, do you really want to deal with that headache.

Yes some measures should, have you suggested any? No you simply wish for the death of the platform. Everyone else here is suggesting solutions.

What measures do you think need to be put in place?

I agree @heimindanger and the team should be thanked for all the hard work on Dtube. I was so excited to see the announcements of the updates/changes to the platform. I'm relatively new to Steemit. Tried out Dtube several times with much disappointment of its lag. Was hoping to post videos of my travels. After the announcement, my excitement has rekindled. I hope to be a part of and support this community for a long time to come. There is so much potential for Dtube and Steemit as a whole. Keep up the great work everyone!

I think Phillip defranco needs to be introduced the most his followers will come and steemit will flourish

He has invested in YouNow, they are launching Rize next year

Готов опубликовать несколько видеороликов на платформе, я устал от ограничений на YouTube

I'd like to commend the team for getting an idea off the ground and having it run(production).
However, It would not be out of place to mention that the platform is for public usage and not for Dtube team consequently the team needs to take feedback from visitor and act on those things that would aid the platform to excel.

No matter how fantastic you project is, once you do not have users signing up the project is doomed.
Please guys, there should be some form of moderation on the platform to mitigate issues surrounding copyrights and piracy.

Keep up the good work.

I have high hopes for Dtube, and part of their value comes from speculation, but enough content providers take their job seriously, we can easily move the masses towards the platform by showing our own progressive success. So the best we can do for the future is keep on creating, resteeming, engaging and keeping up with eachother's content. The future is bright if we all work towards this together. Happy early new years btw :) right around the corner

Now I really gotta check out Dtube. Sounds like a lot of fun! Super props for @heimindanger

you just already said ....what i am going to tell.....

you are right

It is great to see the improvements that you have implemented. I posted a few new things today just to play with them. It is nice to have video more integrated into steem. I will post a little more to see how things go. Good work.
please vote me

not only you who experience such things, I've made dozens of videos that are posted to youtube but with a matter of days, my account is closed. and the funny thing is my new account was also closed as well, but only filled video that actually the result of my creation.

there is now a new service such as, I will try the service .... good idea!

I just started to relax and I am studying hard !! I'd like to share with you a lot of information and help.


Hey guys! I just wanted to give a shout out on how awesome you guys are doing! As a senior software developer I understand the struggles of putting a large system together. It is a part of my life every day. So great job and I look foreword to seeing how far this goes. Furthermore, if you ever need any help please feel free to reach out and I will see what I can do. @heimindanger

P.S. With heimindanger as your name, can I assume you play LOL? If yes, I do to and would love to play with you sometime! My IGN is tytondon.

Now is much better!

Excellent work! If you can get the metatags in place to make sharing in Facebook and other sites to work correctly (as in my Github/Utopian ticket) and also get DTube videos to embed in steemit posts (and elsewhere), you will be pretty close to striking distance of Youtube's crown :)

The metatags part would be easy - just a couple of hours work perhaps..
The embedding on facebook part is something I don't know the correct answer to as I've never tried to find out.. I will keep an eye out for answers that might work. :)

Amazing to see so many updates on DTube!
I've always been looking for an alternative to youtube, so I'm excited to see all the changes happening to this platform.

By the way it was great meeting you at Steemfest, please get in touch via email or steemit chat.

The best work in progress alternative to youtube as far as I am concerned.

Really an alternative to youtube @sirwinchester

Excellent! I'm loving on my DTube more and more! @heimindanger we are due for an update interview. Let's talk! Thanx for what you're doing here. Merci!

I can't upload a video. Well actually, I can't post it.
The videoupload finishes, then it wants me to upload a snapshot. Then this happens -Bildschirmfoto 2017-12-12 um 23.45.13.png
and i am stuck :(
I click send - nothing happens!
Thank you in advance!
P.S.: Upvoted for visibility!

This is outstanding work done by @heimindanger and everyone who contributed to the dtube project.

It is quite easy to see that working on dtube is not the easiest job in the world, but the fact that you are able to stay on top of the job and keep making notable improvements is a big deal and for that I say THANK YOU.....

Thank you for making such wonderful contribution to the growth of this community.

Thank you for being a source of inspiration and a leading example to existing users and newbies alike.

Your coast shall continue to be enlarged.

SUPER AWESOME WORK DUDE. Im so excited for D-Tube.... just got to get round to actually posting my videos on it! I had some trouble because certain people were unable to watch the first vid I uploaded but I will definitely try again soon! x big love and keep rocking on with this internet revolution!!! xx

Bravo à toute l'équipe !!

Bravo @heimindanger, @hightouch et @superkoala !!!

Quel boulot tombé ces dernières semaines... pour une version qui a l'air vraiment vraiment top.
En galère avec mon samsung S8, le navigateur qui ne va pas ... en v.04... là vraiment ça va être le top...
Toutes ces mises à jour et bugfixes vont être un bonheur absolu.

Nous, bien posés au fond de nos chaises, nous allons prendre la mesure de tout vos efforts réunis... Nous, qui bien tranquille, par moment, pestons après l'ipfs..., nous allons profiter de votre savoir faire... de votre capacité à surmonter les difficultés techniques et améliorer notre quotidien.
Vous êtes bons ... et vous allez être reconnus pour tout cela.
Reconnus à votre juste valeur, vos valeurs de bosseurs invétérés... de trouver l'espace ou la virgule là ou elle ne doit pas être et qui ... empêche la machine de tourner calmement...
Bravo et merci...
Nous allons profiter.... et vous aussi maintenant profitez.

bien à vous

@heimindanger you wrote a nice piece of article, keep it up you doing a good job

OUI et reOUI ... @dtube a complètement sa place et sera présenté au meetup à n'en pas douter... Ton équipe sera là et qui d'elle en parle le mieux ?
We enjoy it

Heyyy i want to personally thank you for Dtube as well, i know there are some bugs and you guys are fixing it, but i must say over the last week i have seen huge improvements, event the way it looks! i love it! well done and i will keep posting my videos there :) im glad to be featured in your article hahah :D Alla x

I say : Nothing cant stop
You say : Dtube

I say : Nothing cant stop
You say : Dtube

I say : Nothing cant stop
You say : Dtube

Well we have done ! :)

First of all I m glad to be a part of Staff. And I want to say a big Thanks to everyone who support or contribute to this project, by any way.

Some of you know it but some months ago, I had the idea to run my own project and started to build a Xamarin application for Steem. Then I met the bro @heimindanger. Probably with the help of @steeminator3000 and @ekitcho who introduced me. XOXO guys.

So, when heimindanger gave me the opportunity to join the project I had no doubt about leaving mine and joining him, 'for the better and for worse'. Since this time and without going into all details I can say that I met a great personnality with huge skills and potential of self-evolving.

To be honest three days ago I was still working on a financial company where I had to force myself to write programs in COBOL... My trust in D.Tube (and my hate for mainframes lol) made me leave now this "replace by a hatefull word" job.

Everything look possible when you work with talented individuals, and today I can say, bunch of my team are not just brilliant in IT but they are also genius.
They take the time to focus on finding the appropriate solution to each problem we encounter.
How ? each problem is transformed into a challenge and no one complain about a task even if it seems difficult. That's maybe the reason of why we don't try to get bigger as fast, but we try to be strong while thinking the rest will come naturally and I'm sure we can keep maintaining it on this way until the 1.0 is realeased.

Finally, I m sure will grow up faster in next months, and this will also increase all activities on steemit. Like heimindanger said, the marketing campaign is not a far step.

Dtube continues to improve and that is qualitative a list of improvements.
Thanks for the hard work @heimindanger, @hightouch, @superkoala !!!

Superbe travail. Consideres tu avoir ton propre system de sign-up?

WOW! This is really exciting. I'm so glad that DTube is fixing its core problems as they are encountered, and the fact that you guys are listening to the people is a HUGE STEP in the right direction.

This post has reminded me to start uploading our news show episodes to DTube, which we are going to start doing again starting today.

I've gone ahead and starred your GitHub (I'm Apocalypse612), and I'll hop in the discord chat too. Fine work, @heimindanger. Here's to the future of DTube!!

Best Regards,
The Armageddon Broadcast Network

Congratulation @heimindanger and your team for your hard work. U are really putting your heart in this project. I remember u working very hard at night during SteemFest to fix bug :-) U can count on my support!

I also support your comments @pnc I appreciate your comments 👍👍

vote and comments back plz

You should only comment if you are adding value to the discussion. If you are just asking for votes and follows, you will be flagged (this hurts your reputation) If you don't have something important to say, it is best not to say it. Just some advice so you don't get flagged in the future.

Félicitation ! On sens déjà des amélioration lors de la première utilisation de cette nouvelle version :-D

Le système pour les tags et le transcodage sont vraiment des gros plus au niveau fonctionnel pour une utilisation de tous les jours.

Encore bravo et à bientôt !

vote and comments back plz


i agree with you@javybar

My wife has a dtube account, and she has got me getting into making videos. We are both VERY excited about these improvements - thanks!

Tebrikler @heimindanger ...cok yerinde ve guzel paylasim... @ebruaydogdu sana katiliyorum ... bu arkadasta cok isik var.gelecek vaadediyo...ben şahidim ve katiliyorum patlar gider...seviyorum boyle seyleri .nasil oluyo acaba mi keske ya da vay be dedigim seyler beni cok cezbediyor.bu arkadas olur bu konuda daha da parlar .... dedim bile


This is awesome. I am going to use Dtube tomorrow to upload a video for my next blog. It looks promising. Thanks for sharing all this information.

Cok kisa surede dtube patlayip gidecek. Gelecegini cok parlak goruyorum. Gun gelecek @ebruaydogdu demisti dersiniz! Acaba @bahadirk bu konu ile ilgili ne ducunecek, @spyking durumu nasil degerlendirecek, @gokcehan61 konuyla alakali nasil bir video paylasacak. Daha simdiden kafada deli sorular.

#dtube bu konuda gayet basarili dostlar. #dtube olmadan hayat artik bos geliyor. Bakalim bu postum begenilecekmi acaba :)

Niye begenilmesin ? :)

Ahaha adamsin :) ellerine saglik

That is quite a list of improvements and I am really stoked. I know this is a complicated project that is not easy but it really is something the internet needs to break the YouTube monopoly on video content.
That is quite a list of improvements and I am really stoked. I know this is a complicated project that is not easy but it really is something the internet needs to break the YouTube monopoly on video content.

I just want to say thank you to the people working on DTube's development. Seriously, thank you.

Thank you for your support.

Jah bless you @chiren

Well well. This certainly looks like the key to decongest YouTube. Kudos to all the developers who made tireless efforts to build and improve this platform! More power guys!

This a major improvement. I am looking forward to the next iteration and the SMT.

I'm glad to see dtube doing well. I wonder, do you have enough spare capacity on that server to run a witness? I'm sure many would vote for you, I know I would. That could help with the cash flow?

You definitely got my vote.

Right on. Encoding the video server side at 480p is a really good idea. I like the idea of the internet being democratized not just for those with modern high-speed broadband connections but those too with older or less capable equipment as well. It'll be really important as we as a community deploy decentralized technology in poorer parts of the world.

Alors ça j'achète !!!! Punaise j'ai testé direct ça faisait des semaines que j'étais en galère j'arrivais à voir aucune vidéo sur, je viens de tester et MAJ parfaite, les vidéos démarrent au quart de tour c'est parfait !!!

Bien joué beau boulot dommage que je ne publie pas de vidéo mais vous avez tout mes encouragements et j'en parlerai à gogo autour de moi à tout ceux qui en publient régulièrement,sur youtube ou ailleurs.

Et le nom de domaine est fou j'ai pas eu l'occasion de te le dire mais c'est la grande classe :-D !! Allez courage pour la suite bossez bien et tenez nous au jus des prochaines évolutions ;-) !!

Rdv chez les bougnats :-D !!

your comment totally fantastic done...wel done@kaimarmalade

Hey I've been having some ongoing issues with dtube oulined in this post

If you want anymore details I will gladly provide them, I love the idea of dtube and what it aims to achieve but at the moment it is not working at all well for me

Although there's been a lot of trouble, it's typical of a site being built from the ground up. I think I'm ready to try it!

not sure where to post this, but my dtube uploads are often failing specifically because the snap won't upload. not sure if it's a known issue

Yo ,
Nice work sir

@coinlend it a nice piece and informative

Wow! that's great, keep it up.

Muthis bir yazi.zaten @heimindanger belli bir yer edinmiş ve kaliteli post takim olarak @ebruaydogdu ve @bahadirk bu adami yakindan takip ediyoruz.yine mithis bilgilendirici ve yararli bir post olmuş.oku oku bir daha oku.basarilarinin devamini dilerim

Good news.
I really need to get on Dtube.
These platforms are still very young and they're bound to have problems. As adoption increases I'm sure they will become more streamlined and user friendly.
All new technologies start and progress in this manner.
Thanks for posting.

Sounds like some great improvements, I think I need to start trying to post videos using DTube again

So much achieved in such short amount of time. Dare I say you guys are nothing short of freaking awesome! I thinks that once all of the main pieces start falling into place, DTube will take off like wild fire. DTube as well as DSound will disrupt the media landscape and things will never be the same. Congratulations on the 0.5 release. It's full STEEM ahead towards release 1.0!

Hey.. awesome project! I actually joined steemit just so i could play around with dtube.

Nice post 👍 Thanks for sharing and and very useful information. Congratulations ✌ @heimindanger

Ive just discovered and love it. Glad youre keeping the development goung

Having a bit of trouble uploading a vid. First time user. When I go to add a thumbnail pic all the shots on my phone are too big a file size. Any tips ?

I posted my first video to DTube in ver 0.1 (I believe) and was totally disgusted at every turn. I never posted another. It's wonderful to hear that DTube is progressing and I will take a new look at migrating some of my videos. My biggest concern though remains longivity of earnings (lifetime on YouTube vs. 7 days with DTube) and I will need to assess the earnings outcomes with both. Personally, I never got hit hard with the Adpocolypse as you called it. Good to see much progress has been made and I'm off to investigate. Thanks for all the hard work to improve our community!

1. I Love DTube!
2. I Love DTube!
3. I Love DTube!

:-) :-)

Resteemed.... ;)

Get your tshirt so ! :D

But now I've put myself under pressure to move. ;-)

Anyway, the new update is a big step forward.
I just tried it!

Keep it up....! :-)

Nice shirts @hightouch

Very interesting. I’m only new to all this online currency stuff. I see a lot of potential

optimizar. No es sólo lo útil e innovador de una aplicación o programa. Son muchas personas pegadas a el computador investigando programando diseñando investigando, calculo y error, gracias a ustedes personas que no conocemos personas que quedan en el anonimato. Por mejorar nuestro futuro por darnos sus esfuerzos.

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