in #dtube6 years ago

Hey Steemians! Or should I call you from now on Steemiacs?
Here goes for my first ever Dtube vlog and I am so excited! In the last year all of us content creators on youtube were struggling a lot with censorship and demonetization and I cannot be happier to have found steemit and dtube. I believe there is so much potential to this platform and I'm happy to be early for once in my life for something haha.

Huge Thanks to @hannahimsa and @michaelhebo for bringing me here and helping me out! Check out her account for some epic content!

So now the real question I guess, is if I should quit YT for steemit? In reality I would love to quit YT.
I hate what it has become and I am soooo tired of the inconsistency, the unbearable algorithms, LOGAN FUCKING PAUL and YT's behavior. It feels like the community is absolutely toxic and I genuinely don't find a lot of joy of being there. HOWEVER, I am on YT with an agenda of influencing people to go vegan and it seems to be working. Not as much as it used to be, sadly, cause I hardly get views in comparison to the past, but still. It's a great way to reach a lot of people.

On the other hand, I'm very passionate about crypto currency and steem in particular. I think there is a lot to be done here and I am excited to explore the options, and hopefully reach out to audiences I could reach to on youtube (yes! go vegan steemiacs :) I feel like the community here is so positive and friendly, and I am looking forward to building a community here.

So I will probably continue posting on steemit and dtube AND youtube and see how things go from here. seems like I'm in for a lot of work, but I love a good challenge :)
How about you?

▶️ DTube

Damn all you YT vlogging pro's arriving!

Now i gotta learn how to edit my vids n all that stuff!

Welcome, go tell your friends, YT is the past!

So this blog is currently at $237. rough Calcs...

dtube take 25%, content curators around 20%.

55% for you, lets say $110. 50% is paid in Steem Power at current price of STEEM into $110/2 = $55 = about 11 Steem Power.

and $55 in Steem Dollars, so... $55 Steem Dollars. Currently valued around $6 on the open market = $330.


That is insane. I love this platform and dtube, but am also far feom pro haha. They come with a following, and make a big splash! I love it. Success is possible!

I'm just starting on here posting photos mostly but ever since I discovered dtube and steemit I'll soon be posting all my short films and vlogs there. Seems way better than yt these days.

Thanks for the shoutout babe! I'm SO excited to have you here, it's going to be such a pleasure to watch you flourish 😘

Thank YOU babe! So much love <3

very nice content.. i know how hard u youtube.. so many thing to to do in order to get return

YES - QUIT YT!!!! Quit YT for us!!!! woohoo!!! Your video just made over $500 US, do you get that much per video on YT? PLUS - Steemians are the booomb!!!! And we are lucky to have you here, welcome! I can't believe what you said about the censorship with LGBTQ and mental health videos! That sucks. Well, you could buy some more Steem, and it will be like buying Bitcoin in 2014 ;) -And then there's APPICS, an instagram like site built on the Steem block chain, think it'll be ready some time this year? You are still early, perfect timing! I wish you many plane tickets xx happy Blogging & vlogging!

awwwww thank you so much! hahaha i def don't make this much on YT lol! yeah things are fucked up there and steem is soooo cool! Steemians rock. <3

i lurve steemiacs!

yasssssss! <3

:D yeaj! super cool. would learn about vegan nutrition as well :) i think you influence some people here!

I expect a lot more youtubers to be looking for alternatives and coming on here, they may not completely boycott youtube just yet but they'd slowly drift more and more to Dtube.

Yes I agree. I don't know any youtubers who are happy with the current situation.

Hey Henya, welcome to YouTube dude! Fellow YT channel comin over to Dtube

Thanks Brian! I obviously follow you on YT and love your content. just subscribed here as well :) Thank you!

Thanks dude, you'll love posting here the rewards are just insane :)

I'm glad to meet you here.

I think you should try to do both and see what happens! <3

I agree! thanks babe. good to see you here :)

I'm glad to meet you here.

Dtube will be my new home too @henyamania ;)

This new platform really is super exciting - it's like a whole new world with all these possibilities! It has a very liberating feel to it, doesn't it? ^^
I've never been a content creator on YT myself, but I can understand your frustration with it - even I, being a consumer, felt more & more annoyed by all the changes and how it affected those I loved to watch & follow.
I guess it's good to keep your options open and just wait & see how everything unfolds. Just do what feels right, you can change it anytime you like :)

Most platforms get ruined by corporate intrusion after a while. Hopefully having things on the blockchain can help prevent steemit from getting overrun with stuff like you talk about. Trolls are downvoted quick on here so everyone tends to be positive. Lots of growth over the next few months thos so we will see. Welcome!

Well welcome!! I hope that steemit gives you everything you're searching for and much more!

Send your youtube followers to steemit before you quit. You might have to tell them like 10-100 times before they do it. lol

hahahah oh shit you real. cooll.

hey nice to meet you :) You just set foot on the most incredible platform youll ever see. I too am a youtube vlogger but i found my success much more efficient on steemit lol. youll do great here, youre already off to a wonderful start! il definitely follow you. if you have any questions id be happy to answer. i've had some pretty cool success here so far so im sure you will as well.

Welcome to DTube. I've been so pleased with everything that I've experienced here and steemit. It's very refreshing to once again love creating content. Glad you are here!

i dont know who you are but you go girl.

haha cheers :)

We hope to see more of your content on Steemit. We are slowly heading towards a vegan diet, but very slowly. Becca is sort-of a vegetarian now, but dives into a fish/seafood dish from time to time. Our slow conversion, started off with an incredible meal at a vegan restaurant and Sam could not believe how tasty some of the dishes were. Still, he likes his meats and cheeses, but we will try to incorporate one meal a week and see how it goes from there. Hopefully with your help, we can become more aware and informed.

oh absolutely! what better place than here? what better time than now? good luck to both of you :)

Congratulations @henyamania, this post is the second most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Dust account holder (accounts that hold between 0 and 0.01 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Dust account holders during this period was 10098 and the total pending payments to posts in this category was $4164.84. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories, click here.

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Hey @henyamania,
Welcome to DTube. You are so positive

Thank you! hahaha I'm used to everyone saying I'm always negative, but when things are good, how can you not be positive? :)

You're welcome @henyamania. Yeah, I agree with you. It's subjective, you know? For example, someone may have millions of dollars, many houses, luxury cars and so on but still wants more to be happy while other has few of those things but the one is grateful for them. It's great that you are grateful for life and share it. :)

Congratulations, your post received one of the top 10 most powerful upvotes in the last 12 hours. You received an upvote from @dtube valued at 212.23 SBD, based on the pending payout at the time the data was extracted.

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Thanks! That's awesome!

so welcome we are new here but we are happy to find you :)

Cane here for Henya, staying for Henya and the lovely community ❤️

Shared to my Steemit Facebook & Twitter Group👍It's good to see Dtube going viral alongside Steemit

Hey! This is great! Welcome to dtube. I think it is great that you are jumping in. I think it will help dtube as a whole and everyone using it. I am far from a pro, but I love what I can do! Be well!

Wow @henyamania, I didn't realize it was getting that bad at YT. Really glad you're moving to Steemit and Dtube. I think you'll do awesome here. Can't wait to see more!

Seems like youtube is done and ads area dead. Welcome!