Saying I'm Happy To Be On Steemit Is An Understatement

in #dtube6 years ago (edited)

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Tired But Thankful

It's been longer than expected since I've released a cold shower video. My mind has been on others things lately but I'm glad to finally be able to get it done. Yesterday was tiring. I felt drained for most of the day. I was planning on doing some video editing around 6pm but my body just collapsed and I drifted to sleep. I did however manage to catch up on all comments I got and I also caught up with upvoting all the comments. This brings me to the point of this post. 

I am more than thankful for all the support I have been getting. Really I am because months ago it felt like no one around me cared. Having a community of like minded people is so important and I am glad to be a part of this Steemit community with you. To read all the comments I get and to listen to others with a different perspective has been rejuvenating for me. Please , I welcome and value what you have to say. Steemit has not only helped me in many ways but I also know it has helped many of you and I'm glad to be able to contribute to the success of others. This is to you Steemians and to the Art Of Reciprocity which is in full effect and is growing stronger day by day. Peace to all and much love.

I'm not even going to lie. I have been doing a horrible job of getting sleep. This post was made at exactly 3:12 AM. 

And if you need a bit more encouragement, check out my cold shower videos. Shalom.

Fearless Cold Shower Motivation

The Upvote Surge Is Coming 

The Art Of Reciprocity 

Giving Steemit Praise While Taking A Cold Shower 

Remember: It's Only Water 

Wanna Build Mental Toughness? Take Cold Showers

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At times I too get tired but steemiting is something a regular activity for me and after SBD has gone above 1 usd I think all of us has found a new passion to invest our time in this platform.

And I love to read your blog also. Thank you and keep posting blog like this.

Hopefully SBD goes higher. I mean shouldn't it be worth more than what the dollar is actually worth which is becoming more and more worthless?

I heard some want it to stay pegged to the dollar. 1:1.

One of the ways, perhaps, that Steemit changes many lives is by showing those of us who walk what many might call a "weird/different" path that we are truly not alone.

And here we have the small miracle of being able to lend each other support as we each move forward. And that IS life changing! It can be very difficult to keep moving, and keep finding inspiration if you live in a state of always feeling "all alone." We can certainly feel moved by our Higher Power, but it really does make a difference to get some "attaboys" and "attagirls" from those immediately around us.

Support matters. It helps affirm that we're doing the right thing!

Bright Blessings to you and your family!

"showing those of us who walk what many might call a "weird/different" path that we are truly not alone." We are on the same wavelength. That was a major reason that bought me here. Also I am driven to support others like crazy.

I wish you blessing as well. Thanks.

As I said earlier, Steemit is a big family. But the most important is that this is a growing family. For a new day, a record was set for the growth of new users. It pleases, because more and more people will know about us. These people come here to change something in their life and steemit gives everyone a chance to change. To change not only financially, but also spiritual. Thanks to the art of reciprocity, people help each other to become better. This is very good.

You said it all there. I'm glad that many people here like you understand that Steemit is much bigger than just the money that can be made. We are helping change people's perspective for the better I believe.

Yes we are also learning a lot from your post and this is really a nice engagement between authors and readers and steemit is acting bring between you and us and on the top of that the "art of reciprocity" is brining smile and happiness to all of us.

Thank you and Have a great day.

What I want to do is to bridge that gap between content creators and content consumers. We are just getting started with the art of reciprocity and I hope to do much bigger and better things with it.

Yesterday was tiring. I felt drained for most of the day. I was planning on doing some video editing around 6pm but my body just collapsed and I drifted to sleep.

Hehehe..what actually drained you of energy @humanearl? Hope u ain't being stressed out. U need all the rest you can get.

Steemit has not only helped me in many ways but I also know it has helped many of you and I'm glad to be able to contribute to the success of others.

Really steemit has done more good for me than I can imagine. This feels like home to me now. Getting to chat and communicate with a lot of people . Steemit made that possible.

Even getting to communicate with you via this platform is a blessing and this wouldn't have been possible without steemit so I am very greatful to this community for this opportunity .

Man. My daughter is a handful at times. Plus I had worked hard the night before. I'm not stressed lol I was so tired though.

Glad we met and thanks brother.

I am doing cold shower too these day and I am going good with cold shower.

Aha. Way to go. I hope your health has improved from it.

@humanearl, Awesome DTube video created by you. Yep..I agreed your points. Steemit changed every users life. As me when i came to steemit I spend most golden time with non-important chats in other media platforms. But I felt better feelings after come steemit. It was really helpful polish my language knowledge and social things. Anyone thought my way.
That's pretty stronger blockchain. No need to worry about steemit. Its growth up daily wise and more newcomers join any-time. Thanks for shared your experience with steemians.

The steem blockchain is the most active among any other blockchain right now and it is increasing.

I am with you on this point. Yeah, steemit is the only platform where are all looking so happy and relaxed. steemit absolutely a great place where we can earn money and also meet with beautiful peoples, learn great ideas and improve yourself very beautifulyl.
I also thankful to all my followers and the people like you for to make the reason of my happiness.
Stay blessed and be happy always.

So many beautiful people here. This is one of the main reasons I came to Steemit. The people are amazing. I hope to visit Steemfest one day and meet some other people in person.

@humanearl...yes bro i am new to steemit but already i saw a lot of peoples who are earn huge through it and stable financially ..its very good platform to gain knowledge and earn money and share experiences to the others...i hope all we are get huge profits if work together...thank you for sharing with us...

No problem. One of my goals is to become financially free from Steemit. I'll revisit my goal in 6 months to check my progress.

Not in one way but Steemit has helped me in many ways in the past few months and it sure have improved my life a lot and I am genuinely thankful to Steemit !
As I suppose we all are !
Yes buddy we all are like a family here !

We are much like family. We communicate and help each other. We disagree from time to time. But we still support one another.

That is the beauty of Steemit !

You are the one who always amazed us with some great content and because content is the king you deserve that appreciation and love no doubt about it keep making us amazed :D

I just love to create and inspire others in the process. Thanks for all your support @blazing

We have all found steemit as an interesting and inspiring place to be and we hope to stay longer in this community. Thanks @humanearl. Feel free to stop by our blog, we just recently signed up on steemit and offer interesting sports articles.

Ok cool. I don't know much about soccer but I love FIFA though!

We are blessed bro @humaearl cause we are here and able to help each other. And counteract with our community to spread also the goodness that we receive .Just Enjoy Steemit family "OHANA". steem on!!

Ohana!! and salamat!

Hi @humanearl was @dranren the one who told you about the group?haha im glad you know some tagalog words.Mabuhay! 😀

@kimaben It was either him or you I believe. I can't remember exactly.

And I only know like one or two phrases so you'll have to teach me a bit more if you don't mind.

Sure why not!haha thats cool,im willing to teach you some filipino words beacuse youre "mabait". meaning kind..hihi

Hahaha I love the way you interact with us brother @humanearl. Yes ,sure. We are now your tagalog instructors 😅😅

Steemit helped me cure my twitter addiction but became by itself becoming an addiction. The only difference is that it is paying me to be addicted.

Well I would much rather spend my time here on Steemit getting paid a little something as opposed to nothing. So you made a good choice.

How about the cold shower thing bro! I am testing it those days! It's refreshing my mind and body at the same time!


How is it going for you? Are you getting better at it?

Nice video, and also thank to you for your supporting .
Keep posting stay blessed

Same to you thanks.

Nice video , like your thinking dear.
Keep supporting , enjoy and thanks

I'll definitely keep supporting.

Steemit is more fun with @steemitfamilyph happy to be here in steemit. its hard to be alone here in steemit but with ohana i enjoyed my steeming journey..

Someone else from the philippines told me about that group. I'm glad you found people you can relate to that are supportive. I wish you much more success.

Thank you for that.same goes with you.

You are welcome.
We are a team here, we help each other out.

TEAM. I love it. Thanks.

well its life sometime you just need to appreciate and live the moments life is very complicated to get onto

Ha ha that's awesome bro,
Just waiting for my aerial ride on steemit. 🤔
Don't know it will happen or not. But your motivation is quite a hopeful about my transition soon.😊😊

Give it some time and it will happen, although you won't be taking a rocket ship up there. It takes time. For some the journey will be like taking a bullet train and for some it will be like riding one a turtle. It all depends on how genuine and strategic you are. Strategy is the main part. If you don't make strategy for steemit, you won't be successful.

@themobilewriter It takes time for sure. It's not overnight.

Just keep steeming and enjoy the steeming ride.You will soon get there.

Keep building and working. It's possible. I can tell you first hand and I have seen it from my good friend who literally started with nothing on Steemit.

Let's see how things gonna fall for me.I'm a complete believer in destiny. : )

Like always a motivated post from a great person..i enjoy with your video of cold shower.

I'm still doing it man. It had just been a while since I had posted one.

I am enjoying steemit...thanks for share your post...want more like this on from you

Glad you are liking it here. Thanks.

i love and like all steemit user..
i always with you

I think Steemit is a pretty unique place.

Steemit is inspiration place for all of us.....

Happy to be in steemit family

Welcome and glad you are here. Thanks for stopping by

yes right friend am also happy to be an steemit it changed my life 😊😍😆

Ayye. Glad for you! @shabana1234

It feels good to be here on this platform. Steemit has over 600,000 members and still counting.
Personalities like yours @humanearl keep making it comfortable for new intakes.

Long live Steemit!

I think we will hit 1M users by the middle of this year. Glad you found it here. I give you a BIG welcome!

Hopefully, we keep soaring!