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RE: Massive Update From Stellabelle: My First DTube Video! Winners of SP Delegations! New Projects!

in #dtube6 years ago (edited)

I love this so much, especially learning that people like @steem4depoor exist in the world. That made my heart get some kinda feels. Much love.

Go go mighty Slothicorn goodness.

Also, those glasses are dope.
Oh yeah, and the walnuts concept made a little light go off in my head.
I think I need to re-watch from the 2 minute mark & scrape together some brains.

Thanks for the inspiration!


you're welcome! Thanks for tweeting my stuff out into the interwebs too!

My pleasure. You've consistently sparked my interest in Steemit across a few mediums & it's awesome being on the sidelines watching such cool little idea seeds get blown into the world & having the opportunity to see what will happen next!

Thank you for creating content worth watching & sharing! :)