Putin's Major Moves, Scary A.I Artificial Intelligence Expansion Is Here

in #dtube7 years ago

In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news on Russia's President Vladimir Putin's major moves, the latest on Steem dollars SBD on the Steemit platform, the Repercussions behind Donald Trump's decision last week. The Expansion of artificial intelligence (A.I.) to now create fake videos with a warning from Chamath Palihapitiya a Facebook executive who's coming to reality of what he did. Plus a lot more


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I joined #Steamit mainly because of your #YouTube channel : https://www.youtube.com/user/wearechange . Thank you soon much for being #brave and #educating us about what is REALLY GOING ON. Love and prayers from #SoCal

#truth #news

Navalni will be new president


follow and upvote ^^

Finally found ur channel here on steemit, keep up the good work.

I am liking this update !

Artikel menarik ini dan telah kami upvote ya.. =]

Just made a Steemit. I've been a big fan for a while but never got to using this platform. Thanks for the information, I plan on spreading the word about this to get more people in on alternative social media like Steemit.

Just signed up for steem cuz of seeing this video on YouTube.

Just got on the Steemit platform after a final push from a recent video of yours. My youtube channel is pretty damn tame, talk about healthy diet, lifestyle... most my new videos get demonetized by youtube. Bringing as many subscribers with me outta the Goo-lag. Thanks Luke, been watching you since the beginning. Keep it up.

Thanks for sharing steemit, I got to know steemit from your youtube channel, seems fun to start posting my own blog. Great work mate

Good to see you moving away from Youtube................I am happy to help you get paid for your work you can count on my up-votes.

I can just reiterate my comment on your last post:
It's clear Trump is not practicing diplomacy. Quite the opposite. He is doing everything he can to destabilize and provoke.

Question is what's the end game? Do they really want WW3? Idk, but if relations with Saudi Arabia are going to hell, the dollar is going to crash.
Maybe they need a war to keep funding the war machine even if it does. Or maybe it's so when we're at the brink they can unveil the new world government to save the day.

Hard to say in a world being run by psychopaths.

Just got into Steemit after I saw this video.
Thank you.

Hey luke thanks for what you do its really appreciated.

Phew! Good to see Vladimir Putin finally remove his troop from syria.

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How much did original works Upvote you for?
I just thought of summoning them for this particular post.
Just curious. @lukewearechange

New on Steemit, gotta start informing others through this platform.

Always look forward to these What Really Happened posts.

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Help! I’ve fallen and can’t blow up 😂😂😂

Luke & my brother look similar.

Nice post.

AI is going to become scary. I used to be all for it, now not so much. Society's morals have in my opinion been manipulated to the point that we do not even appreciate how special we are, thus we turn to AI.

AI is already out there. Much more advanced than we even know. It may have possibly even created bitcoin, because with a world currency run digitally the AI will have total control over every person.

Yes I agree that is very possible and likely. When A is in fully in charge and visibly everywhere II just do not see how "currency" will matter any more. There will not be ANY jobs "needed", so no human input , no cost = no need for money I think. You may think I am a lot nutty saying this but I am 46, and became born again Christian just a short while ago after living my entire life as a hard core . Flat Earth did that haha. Flat Earth has changed TONS of former atheists to Christians and I think it has something to do with End Times AND AI maybe, we will see. Anyway thank you for your information.

Keep your stories and reporting exactly like you do it and have always done..

Great work Luke. Excellent video promoting steemit! We need more patriots like you here on Steemit for the rest of us that need an alternative to the alternative. Upvoted and resteemed

love how you deliver the real news @lukewearechange. do what is best you think is best for people who believes in what you do.

Thanks for the info. But can you slow down when you talk. Slow down great work though.

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Love and watch your content since years. One of the best news sources I found since years. Keep it up Luke.

Keep doing it mate, been following u for years, new blood better keep up or don't step up

Keep goin n doin the intro and whatnot. I ve been following for years and new people need to get it as it is. Yeah it may scare them away for a few days or weeks but it s their choice to get their head oit the sand or stay there and pretend the storm doesn t blow them away. Good work

Best thing Luke just did was to EXPLAIN Steemit and how it works! Need more of the YouTube channels to do exactly this! If the average person finds out that there is some sort of medium of exchange for contributors and that Steemit is ahead of the Populace curve, the faster this site will begin it's journey of YouTube domination!

I personally like your preview of what's to come. Glad to see you on here and bitchute so I can get off YT.

Luke, you're doing a tremendous service for all of us. For every person like me wanting the unfiltered truth but already putting in 50 hours a week at a full time job, spending time with family and then finding time to sift through the information and disinformation of current events you are making the task that much easier. Thank you and keep it up my friend!

hey new here.. hope this will be a strong alternative to greedytube..

hey new here.. hope this will be a strong alternative to greedytube..

Just signed up, have no idea how anything works, just wanted to say love ya, that is all.

New here been watching for awhile elsewhere! Good info as usual.

I have been a follower of your Youtube channel for only a couple weeks, but I am very appreciative of the work you put in. I first found out about steamit from your channel. Keep up the good work

Keep up the good fight, Luke. Took your advice on joining the Steemit community. :)

Hey Luke, thanks for introducing me to steemit.
I love how different it is from other social media and how they don't use their users information for shady reasons like Mark does over there at fb lol.

Thanks for sharing this website, I follow you on YouTube and I’m looking forward in you’re future work. Will you post more content here that YouTube doesn’t allow you to post?

Thanks for all your hard work! I appreciate all your hard work!!

Some things are inevitable, one is mans creation of an artificial intelligence that would equal /surpass him. when that time comes, whatever would follow would be impossible to predict now.

Thanks luke keep up the good work...just figuring out steemit👍

New to Steemit
From now on I will follow you here instead of Youtube.
Keep up the good work Luke

Это лживое лицо уже надоело в телевизоре.

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