Cooking Homemade Tortilla Wraps For The First Time I DTube Daily Vlog 0.67

in #dtube6 years ago

For the FIRST TIME I am cooking today homemade wholewheat tortilla wraps. I am doing my own recipe, one veggie and one with chicken. Have a look :D p.s: it's delicious!!!

▶️ DTube

Lets 's see sarmale next time 😀

Romanian stuff? 😂😜

Haha, yes a classic Romanian dish...cabbage rolls. lol

I'm curious if they would be tasty :P I guess I need to try someday...

Btw! You should try to delegate 100 STEEM to Blocktrades for 90 days. That would give you an extra 870 SP for 90 days. And it would only be 20% of your current Steem so you would be able to test how it is. I currently get 4000 SP from them and would say for sure that it's worth it.

Especially for people that have a solid content strategy. Since that means everyone that comments on your content will get massive value in return! It will give you Influence leverage which very few have. It also gives you the leverage to build massive connections and scout for more talented people with potential. :D

Hey thanks! I didn't know that was possible...when it comes to this stuff I feel like I'm a noob sometimes. I love the social media aspect and learning a lot along the way but I get really lost in the crypto world sometimes. That sounds like a good idea I will give it a shot. Thanks a lot for the advice I really appreciate it. Also is it a delegation or is it just a payment of 100 steem for 870 SP 90 days?

No worries it's so new all of this! A payment ^^

Just use

And fill in this.

Screen Shot 2018-07-05 at 23.15.12.png

And then get deposit address and use SteemConnect and should be available 3 seconds later. The official Blocktrades account sits on 700,000 SP ready to be delegated :D

Yeah I was also surprised you could do this at first I saw it from another user in a comment. I guess not that many talk about it because it's mainly most useful for people that create massive value in content on a daily basis. Since they benefit the most from upvoting their community. But an 8.7x leverage of value for 90 days is pretty awesome since you usually can't get that in traditional Fiat!

@phoneinf wow this is useful advice. 🙌 Cheers

@alphasteem hahaha you're giving me a hard task here! 🤣

Delicous, aku suka dan rasanya pasti enak. I like it, thanks

Posted using Partiko Android

One tortilla looks like the shape of the Millenium Falcon from Star Wars and also looks very delicious, yummy.😋

@spite77 omg haha I saw a weird shape but you nailed it with the description 😁

My nerd mindset... I don't know...

Wow, I like this food very much. I usually told to my mother to cook this delicious food for me. But my mother doesn't know how to cook this food. For your information now my mother can easily cook for me this delicious food. Thank you @oliviadejeu.