DTube - FintruX And The P2P Lending Ecosystem - What You Need To Know!

in #dtube6 years ago

The Blockchain is a literal P2P-accounting ledger the ramifications of which are unprecedented and truly revolutionary.

Decentralization is the future and when it comes to having an open and transparent financing market, FintruX is leading the way.

In this video

Dan Dicks of Press For Truth interviews Nelson and Conrad Lin the founders behind FintruX a global peer to peer lending ecosystem about how their platform seeks to use smart contracts built on the Ethereum blockchain in an effort to change the way financing is done as we know it today.

To learn more about Fintrux visit:
Tokensale: http://bit.ly/Join-the-Fintrux-Tokensale
Website: http://bit.ly/Find-out-more-about-FintruX
Whitepaper: http://bit.ly/Check-the-FintruX-Whitepaper
Telegram: http://bit.ly/Talk-to-the-FintruX-Team

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Thank you for sharing this with us. There are several lending platform ICOs out there, including WeTrust, Humaniq, SALT, etc. How does this one compare and will it be able to compete with them? I personally think that P2P lending is great and all, but lending has been historically one of the most regulated industries out there. How good are their compliance and tech teams?

Hey @pressfortruth interesting project interview. I have been into Non-Fiat P2P Lending for a long time. While some of the popular fiat-based P2P lending sites are still going strong, most of the non-fiat sites have fallen flat. It is not clear if this one is non-fiat or fiat-based P2P lending. Can you please clarify if you have the info?

Thanks for share it with us@bitbulls

You are welcome. But I was really hoping that @pressfortruth responded to my query.

Hi @bitbulls, FintruX faciliates P2P lending of any currency, both fiat and non-fiat. Their vision is to enable borrowers to borrow in the currency they need, and lenders to lend in the currency they have. Making borrowing and lending a no brainier for SMEs and investors. If you have any additional questions, definitely join their telegram channel where FintruX team members are available 24/7 to help you understand their offering! Https://t.me/FintruX

This is interesting. Nice initiative. Independent media all the way

great information

Click on the link and watch the video at X1.5 speed to have most bearable experience.

Good post and important information thank you for sharing.

i liked this post ....may i follow your post sir?

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I will never use another web based / company based exchange.

Looking like the banking system wont be a thing of the future. Pretty excited about that.

FintruX , I believe is the future of smart contracts . A buddy of mine told me about FintruX a few months ago and I’ve been researching ever since . If you don’t know who FintruX is , I strongly advise you to look into there platform. You’ll thank me later . Thanks for this content!

where marketplace lending are facilitated in a true peer-to-peer network,so if fintrux tend to lead the way, what do you think would happen? @pressfortruth

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Thank you for sharing, like seriously.

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Im gonna cry now ... 😭

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nice post......

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good post and great information thank you man :)

Blockchain also getting higher...

New ways of funding very interesting. Traditional banks, hampered by the very Bank officials who sometimes do not understand the problems of project financing.
I hope they manage to finish their work.

So nice article!!!!



Change the existing system

thanks for use dtube tag
this tag is very important

Congratulations @pressfortruth!
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Everything that improves decentralisation is welcome.

Great interview. Well done all around.

Great interview and video all around.

Nice video. I'm really impressed
by : md mamun ahmed raj.
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