BUSTED! Google & Amazon "Digital Assistant" Patents For Spying Exposed!

in #dtube7 years ago

It is no longer just some "conspiracy theory" that we are now living in a big brother Orwellian Nightmare.

Our so called "smart devices" in our "smart homes" have been designed to spy on us for the purposes of advertising and for control.

In this video

Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers a bombshell expose released from Consumer Watching detailing the patents that Google and Amazon filed for spying on you through devices such as Alexa and the Echo.

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What if I put a phone next to another phone and play them off each other? Will they get advertisements for each other?

Did you see that episode of South Park where Cartman did it? He triggered a chain reaction, it was great, made only better by news reports that it triggered chain reactions for viewers around the world

Just another reason to love Cartman:)

hahaha yes I remember that episode.

I think I've seen that episode but I wanna watch it again lol, sauce??

Season 21, Episode 1. Fairly recent.

The best bit was the Jimbob scene.

Oh shit, that's epic! Better than Alex Jones arguing with Alexa!

This is too funny!!! 😂😂😂

Lmfao! Thank you man day made!

But how do you tell people about the dangers of these devices?? They are new toys for them, new gadgets, they don't seem to realize how invasive they are.

Indeed. If they're listening for a trigger word, they're basically listening all the time. Very scary...

"Hey wiretap, how many ounces are in a cup?"

The brainwashed sheeple aren't going to believe us, I mean think about it, most of these people are in love with the propaganda mind control bullshit that the MSM spoon feeds them!

Perhabs it would help if they were regulated and forced by law to disclose this type of information to their customers,kinda how cigarettes companies are forced to write on the box "Smoking kills you"

Patience lots of it. And posts like these.

maybe this explains it "Alphabet, which took over as Google’s new holding company on Friday, has dropped the tech giant’s “Don’t Be Evil”" now the gloves are off ;)

i am a fresh,i wanna make friends here

i think coming. amazon


You'd be foolish to be surprised by this. I unplug my wife's Echo all the time.

When I told my mom how Amazon listens in she could care less because she doesn't have sensative information. I told her that's not the point and it's sad people willingly put up with it plus pay for these devices!

What your wife and many other people fail to understand is that whether or not some piece of information is sensitive is highly contextual. Some innocent piece of information could prove the missing piece of a puzzle to any hostile party attempting to use your information.



Not surprised at all. I don't mind the advertising aspect since if I'd rather have an ad that's relevant to my interests than not. What bothers me is how often this 'market research' data collection is abused to identify, target and/or take action against groups of people socially or politically.

nothing to hide nothing to fear unfortunately if they know what your going to do/buy because they know all your habits you will suffer economic loss and you won't even realise it!

I can't believe people actually want those listening devices! Worst idea ever!

Lol they even get us to pay for it.

Privacy violation it seems that it was performed one with the development of technology. Today's Meltdown and Specter just revealed that the CHIPS used in computers, tablets and smartphones has a fault/vulnerability through which hackers can get personal information from those devices. I would say that this is not a fault but a seed planter by their creators. So, YES, we are targeted and used in order to commercialize our personal information. Hopefully with the blockchain there aren't hidden "gems" within.

Convenient that every citizen and business must now buy new devices and computers once "new chips" become available.

Convenient for the companies, unfortunate for us the end users...:(

At this point, I think the only thing more shocking than big companies like this using their tech to spy on us, is that people are still being shocked by this.

Everyone knows, and I think to some extent people just don't care. They're happy to be spied on as long as it makes it easier to find that song they were listening to last week.

"Hey Siri, what was that song that came on at the club the other week?"

Welcome to the internet of things. They are studying us, so they can subsume us into their internet of everything. Hey at least it’s not physically painful.

who cares what +- 1 gradus of temperature in a refrigerator but they still didn’t teach their robots to find my shoes. how suspiciously it is!

Wow, I'm never putting one of those at my house, I rather have some arduinos!

This is not new, we are being watched in one way or the other we only need to be careful.

hahahaha I would do the same if I had the power

Getting ready to super pimp slap the first idiot that says "im not doing anything wrong so i dont care"


I'm with you on that, no you are not doing anything wrong until the powers that be decide you are

Saying "I don't care about being spied upon because I have nothing to hide" is like saying "I don't care about freedom of speech being taken away, because I have nothing to say". (Edward Snowden)

How funny. I haven’t watched TV in 20 years … If you get one of those retarded things you don’t need at all and it spies on you then its your fault for being a moron. go ahead try to wake up the morons. I have a flip phone too.

Jokes on them! That’s why I always decline the agreement.

I feel like it's already too late. Siri, that clever girl, has been onto me for over a year now. If I even talk about an oil change, sure as shit, Jiffy Lube will hit me with an email & promo offer in minutes.

giphy (21).gif

Who's watching?
Tell me who's watching.
Who's watching me?
I'm just an average man, with an average life.
I work from nine to five; hey hell, I pay the price.
All I want is to be left alone in my average home;
But why do I always feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone, and
I always feel like somebody's watching me.
And I have no privacy.
Woh, I always feel like somebody's watching me.
Tell me is it just a dream?
When I come home at night.
I bolt the door real tight.
People call me on the phone I'm trying to avoid.
Well, can the people on T.V. see me.
Or am I just paranoid?
When I'm in the shower.
I'm afraid to wash my hair.
'Cause I might open my eyes
And find someone standing there.
People say I'm crazy.
Just a little touched.
But maybe showers remind me of
"Psycho" too much.
That's why. . .
I always feel like somebody's watching me.
And I have no privacy.
Woh, I always feel like somebody's watching me.
Who's playing tricks on me?
Who's watching me?
I don't know anymore . . . are the neighbors watching
Who's watching?
Well, it's the mailman watching me: and I don't feel safe anymore.
Tell me who's watching.
Oh, what a mess. I wonder who's watching me now,
(WHO?) the I.R.S.?
I always feel like somebody's watching me.
And I have no privacy.
Woh, I always feel like somebody's watching me.
Who's playing tricks on me?
I always feel like somebody's watching me.
I always feel like somebody's watching me.
I always feel like somebody's watching me.
I always feel like somebody's watching me.
I always feel like somebody's watching me.
I always feel like somebody's watching me.
And I have no privacy.
Woh, I always feel like somebody's watching me.
I can't enjoy my tea.
I always feel like somebody's watching me.
I want my privacy.
Woh, I always feel like somebody's watching me.
Woh, I always feel like somebody's watching me.
Stop playing tricks on me
Woh, I always feel like somebody's watching me.

loved it

I knew it, its scary as hell that they listen to you always. I am a softwaredeveloper and know that information is so important and everybody wants to analyse you. Knowledge equals power.

It will always happen. They always want to know the behavior of the client to collect data and make money from us -_-

Skynet has awaken......

I wonder if their future models will be able to interface directly with the brain. I'm sure they'll be filing those patents in the not too distant future.

Yet STILL, when you try to warn people they look at you like you are a crazy person...What do you do?

BREAKING NEWS : those things are always listening. second : nobody gives a funk about your porn search queries

Upvoted and resteemed, thanks for the info.

Wow, so Google have captured Santa Claus and distilled his essence into their smart devices so as to monitor whether the children are behaving! How much more proof do you need of the evil of these people?


may be i reasteam your post dear sir

Always wondered if that was going to become reality. Read a story some time back about an Amazon Echo calling the cops on a Husband that was physically abusing his family. So I suppose not all is bad.. Still scary to think about tho.

tspink - that is actually terrible. Regardless of what is going on in my house, I do not expect my machinery to intervene. The wife can place a complaint or call the police if that is what is required. How does an item of machinery know what is in fact happening? They could have been into some sort of sick sexualised playacting or something, acting out a rape fantasy. No thanks mate. If and when I need intervention I will not rely on my smart devices (of which I own none) to provide it for me, and until then, I expect no intercession from them.

Or you could have you kids taken away from you if one them throws a tantrum and one of your gadgets infers that you are abusing them and calls the police.

great job ,i have experienced it myself

These things were always gonna go down this route. Hopefully in the future people will be more aware and learn how to deactivate/power down the Orwellian features.

Anybody using these devices in their home needs to be educated. Most people do not even care about being heavily watched. They are happy to give full access to their lives through their phones, laptops, any thing with cameras or microphones. Wifi connected televisions. The list is endless. Automobiles! All because they 'have nothing to hide'. I think it's sick. Thank you @pressfortruth I will be following.

Samsung and other smart tvs are guilty of this as well.

Oh I know it! I mentioned wifi connected televisions in my comment. Even the smart LED light bulbs! Lol

Big brother indeed. It's sad people put up with this. 😔

It absolutely is. I don't know how it got this bad. Well I do, but I guess what I don't get is how the average person doesn't see a problem with it.

amazing post

Privacy violation do not necessarily mean so much to some of these device users.
some users do not even know about this

This is no secret anymore...

My friend was telling me about his google home, I was like why do you want to talk to your home. Google is making alarm systems now, making them my competition. They don't gave a big market share (yet), I'm going to remind people you can get smart home / home alarm systems that respect your privacy.

Man I've known this since a month back. Advertisement on these shit ass speakers is so insane and they suck hard really. Everything this cranky thing can do I can do 100000x fold on my semy old android phone.

I'd rather put my phone to a 3.5 Bluetooth speaker

I don't think anyone likes to be "spied" on. Wonder how long it will be before people want to "unplug" these devices?

This is odd. As I was scrolling through the Steemit feed, my husband was saying he wanted an Alexa, but he didn't know because he doesn't want people to listen to our conversations. And I asked him could it do that, and he said all voice assisted things could including our Xbox. During our conversation just now, I scrolled onto your post. How coincidental. I would think you were listening to our conversation if you wouldn't have made this post 3 hours ago.


Right? It was strange.

Yup, the other day I was speaking with my son about buying a speaker. Lately I've seen ads for that speaker, though I have not searched for it or anything. Voice was the only mention possible. The future is now.

@pressfortruth We can't escape spies. In or out of the home. Isn't the current theory that we are all under an experiment ? Best wishes.

not surprised at all

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