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RE: Oud improvisation

in #dtube4 years ago

yes! these harmonies/textures are up to me. there was time, I was listening a lot to Nusrat Fatekh Ali-Khan... (nowadays I dont...) Muslimgause is one of my favourite artists, still.

if you'd be intrested I can share an intresting collection of pop (yes, pop... retro-pop) songs of iranian origin. i assume it is from 70-80-es.


I'd be interested in the Iranian pop songs! And I'll listen to the artists you mentioned. Thank you.

Something you might like:

thanks! I will check it gladly.

this is the link:

some tracks by Muslimgauze, I assorted a while ago
he have developed a few styles/genres thru years, dont judge him by the few tracks... he is pretty different. and a lot of his LPs may not feel great but some are pretty sufficient and intresting. some are a pure noise of the desert sand, like 'Azzazin' (1996)