#DTUBE ~ Happy New Year 2018 and Introducemyself

in #dtube6 years ago

Hello everybody. Some days I often hear the Steemit platform growing. My name is Ranty. As one actress is also a model of course I follow the current trend development. I see Steemit is different from FB or Twitter. This is a very good breakthrough and I want to try it and invite my friends to join this Community. I can not wait to share the happiness with you. Little introduction from me.

▶️ DTube


thank you @hacker5 nice to meet you

happy new year

happy new year @elizabethtom i hope this year better than before

Welcome to steemit ! Nice paost ! I hope you enjoy here ! will give the vote to you, Please upvote & follow me

thankyou arvin :) nice to meet you

Happy new year, a warm welcome to the steem community I follow you hope you also do same for me thanks

You are too beautiful
Happy new year

welcome to steemit @ranty, best regards..
hopefully you feel at home here. 😊

Happy new year my friend and welcome to steemit.
I'm glad you joined and would be happy to follow you ..
Have a good time and every question you have I would love to answer you ..
Note that there are robots here and you will be aware of it

Welcome to Steemit and happy new year! Ranty!

Welcome to Steemit @ranty, hope you have a greate time here, if you have any questions, feel free to ask.
Greetings @davsner

Welcome @ranty to the Steemit community! You will have a lot of fun here

I will definately join

Happy New year Welcome to steemit
Make sure to follow me @bankthecrypto

amazing in 2018,, happy new year sist,,

Welcome to Steemit @ranty

Happy new year!

Very happy to know you are here... greating

Welcome to steemit, I hope you will enjoy the platform.

Keep posting!


Congratulations @ranty, this post is the seventh most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Dust account holder (accounts that hold between 0 and 0.01 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Dust account holders during this period was 6929 and the total pending payments to posts in this category was $2227.00. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories, click here.

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Hello, welcome to Steemit. Have fun!

beatiful welcome welcome :)

Selamat saya ucapkan kepada Mba @ranty, atas perolehan vote yang banyak. salam kenal dari saya @mainar di Aceh. harap di ikuti ya?

Welcome to the club! Glad to have you. Hope you enjoy it as much as we are. Cheers and happy Steeming

 6 years ago  Reveal Comment