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RE: DTube Revolution means we’re giving birth to Freedom of speech and FUCK DLive and PewDiePie

in #dtube5 years ago

To be frank, I am a PewDiePie fan. Yes Dlive did us wrong! This is good tho, blockchain exposure is a good thing. I do not suggest going to war by immediately saying Fuck PewDiePie. Getting 94 million people angry at STEEM is not a good course of action. Especially when those 94 million people are very active and very passionate.


I treat people with Respect

I do business ethically and morally

I’ll never wanted associated with people who treat humans like piece of shit and does business ethically and morally wrong

Please don’t sell what you stand and your value for money

PewDiePie has nothing to do with Blockchain, this is his introduction to it, please do not make our first impression to him be one of "fuck pewdiepie." I will straight up lose faith in all things steem if we come at this negatively because some people felt wronged for a business decision dlive made. We do not force companies to stay on the blockchain. We are not haters.

Posted using Partiko Android

We don’t know what really happened with Dlive and the people who bought Dlive to STEEM

Same for PewDiePie and you never know what’s happening behind the doors

I’m not a hater and I stand with people and Truth

maybe that is the plan. you get 94 million people to hate steem, so 94 million people will talk about it, some may like it, for now a 1 million of them would be enough :D

We will lose that battle. Many of us steemians are PewDiePie fans, and this hatred some people have for Dlive should not effect how dlive people see steem. We should use this to bring people over in a positive way. Not through hate. Cant believe I am saying these words on steem. Also, that is very short sighted. Think longterm. Pewdiepie stands for free speech, why do you think he is looking into alternatives?

it was a joke, there is probably in all languages some sort of saing (i am butchering it as i can't translate it ) Even if people speak bad about something it is a plus because they are speaking about it (Every marketing is a good marketing).
And you can see it used by bunch of "famous" people, when they don't care what is told about them if they are in the news.
not sure i can concur with that, but the joke was made in that regard.

And to add, i really have no problem with Pew, i even watch him sometimes.

Oh your talking about, "even bad press is good press." I would disagree when you are talking about something that is trying to grow vs the most influential person on the planet. His fans are people who believe in justice and freedom, they are not our enemy. Glad you weren't serious lol.

Posted using Partiko Android

that is the one.
It would be stupid to hate on Pew just because he is on a platform that you or me feel did us wrong. They did the good job in making the app/site, they did good marketing for it. and yes they used a big steem delegation to do so. it is what it is, people that use it are not guilty of that.

Please kindly watch my YouTube video

partly i do understand your feelings as you were heavily invested in it, and got tricked. i had i think 2 videos on dlive, my second or third post on the steem blockchain was on dtube, and you (maybe) could see how much i post on it. even with all the problems and irritations most of my stuff is first on dtube and later on youtube.
i like your passion for what you do, but don't waste it on hate for someone who did us wrong. what they did is on their "conscience". And Pew could only be ignorant about all that.