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RE: 'Earn Cryptocurrency' - Contest Results - 60,000 HP Delegated!

Curiosity, but how long have most of the posts had a chance to be crawled by google? In my experience it usually takes about a month for anything to start happening. Also, I imagine “earn cryptocurrency” is a super competitive keyword set.


Google crawled them within the hour. 3/4 of them stuck for a day or so but then dropped out. I wrote about a few possible reasons as to why earlier today.

For sure, 'earn cryptocurrency' was tough, and looking at what happened over the past week and reading into it, only one post was going to appear at any one time.

I wouldn't do the contest for such a short phrase next time, and I'd be worried about only 1 post appearing if you were offering more than just first prize.

that's what google does it bounces pages in the begging its called google dance then it settles check in a month :P

We will get there without paying! :D

Oops, I might've not been too clear. I guess I mean to say how long have the post(s) been indexed by google. In a recent keyword set I targeted via a Wordpress post, I saw the post plateau in it's google rankings after about a month.

After the first month, the climb became much slower, but the post itself climbed to page 3-4 of google search results in less than a month. So, I think, in general, a month is enough time for the posts to get traffic and get somewhat ranked, but the real test is much longer term.

I jumped on my keyword tool planner and couldn't find any searches of volume concerning the hive blockchain, a real problem to solve first. If people aren't searching for Hive, then interest still needs to be drummed up.

However, there are plenty of Steemit terms still being searched frequently every month. There's no reason why we can't post using targeting these keyword sets with an aim of luring Steem-interested folks to the Hive.

Keyword sets of potential targeting could be "x22report steemit" "barry soetoro steemit" "steemit crypto". All these keyword sets are searched between 100 and 1,000 times per month but yet the amount of search results are as few as one or two pages for some of these terms. I think for the near future while Hive is still building hype that will lead to future searches, we could start posting a lot of "steemit" keyword based posts that will bring google searchers to the Hive.

Food for thought, I'm still working up an efficient way to incentivize this and make the guidelines not too intimidating.

I tried to chip in a little bit about Steem in my article because I figured something like this happens. For example, if you search for "hive", you won't find much information about us but if you search for "Steem hive" you'll find us. This means the logical progression will be to piggyback off Steem, for the short term.

To be fair, "hive" is a generic dictionary term. The main hive keyword pair we should rank for is "hive blockchain".

It's interesting to compare how different the results for it are when comparing Google and DuckDuckGo. The former focuses almost entirely on a "listed company" where the latter says very soon in its first SERP that there's more than just the company.

I've never used duckduckgo. I also could do a Bing search as well.

One important element here is the domain rank of the respective platforms. is now more than four years old and also has received many more inbound links over that time. Steemit has massive DA and for a long time had a solid nofollow implementation. Steemit also always resisted implementing a fair canonical relation.

Hive for its part is a less than six months old URL and started out with a majority of content with canonical set to Steemit (or Steempeak). Because of that Hive is much less shown in the recently algo than Steemit and it will take longer for new content to climb to their eventual spot. (Pro tip: whenever launching a site, if possible first seed the URL for at least half a year with few related articles on it. This will massively help google's uptake of your new content when you eventually get started)

But it isn't all bad. In a very short time hive has received a reasonable amount of inbound links from crypto news outlets. The hive community is also more used to promote its content on twitter, which may result in additional "social signals" and "live traffic" google measures when assessing the credibility of any site.

But it will take a while before Google ranks our recent content as quickly as on Steemit. We just don’t have the domain history for that yet.

Yeah the DA ranking for is 90, peakd and at 36 when I checked yesterday.

canonical links are a part of peakd and posts too, but because they have started together (while was on it's own for a while), it's going to take a lot of effort to get them both rising up there.

. In a very short time hive has received a reasonable amount of inbound links from crypto news outlets. The hive community is also more used to promote its content on twitter, which may result in additional "social signals" and "live traffic" google measures when assessing the credibility of any site.

This is a good point, we have started strongly on the Twitter front with Hive and there will be plenty of back-links from a strong DA site.

They count root domains, and so it's a case of linking our posts everywhere we can - pinterest and instagram even :)

I'm not sure it's a huge issue that people aren't searching for 'hive'. I'd like people to find the place naturally via content/interests they have searched for.

It would be nice to not be competing with 'hive blockchain' and other strong sites with 'hive' names, but hopefully in time we'll become more prominent.

So, when is your contest ? I will sponsor some HP if you organise :)