Earth Nation Coordinators Talkshow 12/3/2017

in #earthnation7 years ago (edited)

We are a peaceful planetary shift conglomerate that is revolutionizing governance and resource distribution on Planet Earth.

Learn more through our Coordinators Talkshow. Get involved at


@earthnation upvoted by @lays team member thank you

You got a 3.61% upvote from @postpromoter courtesy of @jamessmith0!

I've been following @earthnation for a while and I must say your work has been nothing short of amazing.... Earthnation and her sister organizations are doing such admirable work, keep up the good work... Thanks for sharing this wonderful video

Good job! Thanks to @dakotakaiser you have planted 0.13 tree to save Abongphen Highland Forest in Cameroon. Help me to plant 1,000,000 trees and share my Steem Power to the others. Selfvoting is prohibited, but that should be the reason to spread the world to protect our precious environment. Check out profile of our conservation association @kedjom-keku and the founder/coordinator @martin.mikes to get more information about our conservation program. My current SP is 14374.77. Help me to plant more trees with your delegated SP.

Thanks a lot,
your @treeplanter

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@upvoted by @lays team member thank you for your order

I really like such publications❤

This post has received a 39.87 % upvote from @buildawhale thanks to: @dakotakaiser. Send at least 1 SBD to @buildawhale with a post link in the memo field for a portion of the next vote.

To support our daily curation initiative, please vote on my owner, @themarkymark, as a Steem Witness

This post has received a 32.21 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @dakotakaiser.

Kudos to your group. Great ideas.

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Hi. I am writing about healt. I am giving so important informations. How about follow me? :)

Congratulations @earthnation!
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following category:

  • Pending payout - Ranked 8 with $ 153,16

Haha hilarious intro, I'm going to rip it off YouTube, put it on an USB stick and stick that into the TV of my parents, let's see what they think!

Oh i love this! :)
One day I dream to join with my project.

Thanks for the information ! Nice job !

Anyone got a TLDW? Seems like 99% of comments are bots.

Awesome post family! @originalworks

Your post is really really informative for new Travelchain enthusiastic.And if you don't mind please pay a visit to my blog and share your impression in the comment section.And finally, if the post touch your heart then please please upvote the post for further update. @mohammadrasel

Do or die...
thank's for sharing

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