Every day is a new beginning, every day you have a new card

in #ecency4 months ago

Weird case, I've never seen one before, but I hope it's a weird lesson that it can always happen.

First of all, I apologize that my English is weak :)) ... But I hope you all understand what I say and show. If you have seen my posts, you will also see that last month I made myself a new Gate.io bank card so that I would have a spare card if my Crypto.com card should not work anymore or break or worse, disappear, then I can use another card.

This how it looks , cool and new card :))

So I activated it as soon as I got it, so as not to let it just sit in the package. Everything worked beautifully and everything was ok, even when I went and asked a few questions from their team about how to do a few things. the answer came in a reasonable amount of time, as sometimes these app systems are slow to respond, but it has already become normal in the crypto world, so I'm already used to this attitude.

So some long days passed .... So the day came 12 Feb 2024 ... this month . My sister's husband came home from work and went to look at the mailbox when he came home what the car, to see what has come there, usually there are a lot of advertising newspapers that we use to make a fire under the stove, it is like free paper... when they give it free we take and use it :)) . But yesterday there was also something else in there, a big pack of envelopes all tightly elasticated and held beautifully.. he came home and gave them to me because there were my names on every envelope. So I took all this envelopes and looked at it all... yes I see all have my name :))) , all these envelopes were somehow very familiar too like I have seen this ones some days back :)) , at the same time I knew that I didn't order anything .. ok then I took one random envelope and opened it, which I discovered that Gate.io had sent me 22 bank cards more which are all nicely done and waiting to be activated.

First my mind was say ...WHAT F..K I GOING TO DO WHAT 22 CARDS :))))
so it means 22+1 , I have 23 cards :)))

I have never seen such a situation before, that so many cards are sent to someone, but at the same time, it is very strange that the sender himself has not realized that it is very strange to send out such a large package with the same name, and they are all VISA bank cards.

I contacted them and luckily they were aware of this and these cards are not usable, only the one card I have activated is usable, so I haven't taken the other one out of the pack and accidentally mixed up my cards.

But at the same time, I was also interested in what the number 22 could mean, whether it has any meaning, whether life is trying to say something. Because life always has a strange way of showing signs without us immediately realizing it, and because many things around us are mathematically solvable. So I was Google and try see what it gives me ...

Here is link what give me info what 22 can mean
"In numerology, the number 22 is a Master Number"

And a lesson, make sure your wallet is always big enough, you never know how many cards you need to buy food at the store.


That looks like a prestigious card. I have an indigo coloured card and a red (Product RED) one. Pretty cool.

YEs ... but did you get 22 cards or more :))) I was get 22 of them :)))

"Gate.io had sent me 22 bank cards more which are all nicely done and waiting to be activated."

Damn, that is one ridiculous mistake! 🤣

True ... Sad is that they did not say why it was happen, but thank god they fast close all this extra cards :))

The cards are beautiful to start with and I think it was thoughtful of them to have sent you 22cards. But they are intelligent, only one card is working.

It's color is so attractive as my favorite is black. But it's the first time I saw you get a bundle of cards instead of one.

YEs .... I also first time see that they can make this kind mistake :))))

Congratulations on getting this crypto card.
It looks very beautiful.
Nice post.

Funny man .... did you read :))))

I read the complete post but I did not get your point.
I thought you just received your card.
I am sorry I am also a bit weak in English🤭😝

He received 23 cards! 🤣

On February 22 you will receive a lot of money :)

I have to wait next week then :))) Th . :)))

Good and fun Mastery story! 😂

I must try some new app more ... never know what next comes :))) 3 time I hope someone send me 1 BTC :)))

Hahah, I wish too, but never come to this BTC 😎

A few days ago I also went to create an account in the same way and I was not in my mind. After two days their message came. 23 cards were too much for you, let's say it's good that your card is working now.

Can we get in Pakistan @djbravo?

Thank you!

lol... In either case, it's better to find 22 VISA cards than 22 speeding tickets in the mailbox! :)

True :))

Oh wow, that is pretty crazy! I am glad it was just a mix up, but that still seems like a huge waste of money on their part!

YEs I am glad to that first card what I was get was work :)) ... but now I have lot more cards, like mega extra GIFS :)))

Everyday we have the opportunity to stand fresh

Oh wow! That's an interesting story! I need to get me a new Visa card, can you tell me more abou this Crypto.com and Gate.io? I really need to learn more about Crypto. Thanks!


Thank you!! .... happy that you was look my small funny post :)) ... you are in Europa then this two cards work 100% for you , I try send you some links soon in Discord .

You post was very good, really! 🤙

Thanks for the links!


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YEp ... it happened I was get Extra 22 cards more :)))

Wow! That I don't understand! They told you the cards were not useful, right? Weird!

YEs ... I still think here how this cards get out :))) But thank god they not work . BUt it was feel funny when I have home 22 cards and one just works :))

This is awesome and congrats.

Hahha how did that happen, pretty weird thing to happen yes.

They was say they not work , but they did not give me more info also how did they get out . But I try soon to ask more and see if they give some info why it was happen.

Congrats, Master! 😎👍

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