I found a bee nest

in #ecency11 months ago

I found a bee nest

My name is Fox, and I am the proud caretaker of a small garden hidden deep within the enchanted forest. Every morning, as the sun kissed the treetops, I would venture into my garden, eager to uncover the wonders that awaited me.

On this particular morning, a sense of curiosity consumed me. I yearned to find something extraordinary, something that nature had concealed within my tranquil space. With a sprightly gait, I made my way through the winding paths, my keen eyes scanning every nook and cranny.

As I rounded a bend, a glint of sunlight caught my attention. Nestled amidst a cluster of wildflowers, I found a bee nest, abandoned and forsaken. The intricate architecture of the honeycomb fascinated me, each cell delicately crafted by the diligent bees. But what puzzled me was the absence of any buzzing or signs of life.

Carefully, I approached the vacant nest, my senses alert. There was an inexplicable stillness in the air, as if the forest itself held its breath. I peered inside, and to my surprise, the empty cells seemed almost to shimmer with a faint ethereal glow.

Captivated by this extraordinary sight, I quickly reached into my pocket and pulled out my trusty smartphone. With a few taps, the camera app sprung to life, and I began to capture the beauty before me. As I snapped photographs, the glow within the cells seemed to intensify, lending an otherworldly hue to my images.

Mesmerized by the spectacle, I couldn't help but contemplate the mystery behind the bee nest. What had happened to the inhabitants? And why did the remnants of their home emit such an enchanting aura?

Determined to uncover the truth, I set off deeper into the forest, following the invisible trail left behind by the bees. As I ventured further, I discovered more abandoned nests, each one radiating the same ethereal glow. The forest seemed to come alive with whispers of an ancient secret.

Guided by an unyielding curiosity, I found myself at the heart of a forgotten glen, where a majestic tree loomed in the midst of a moss-covered clearing. At the base of the tree, a hidden hive hummed with life, its occupants pulsating with a vibrant energy.

I watched in awe as the bees flitted to and fro, diligently fulfilling their roles within the intricate social fabric of their colony. Every cell within the hive radiated with the same ethereal glow I had observed in their abandoned nests.

In that moment, a realization washed over me. The bees had metamorphosed into something beyond their familiar physical forms. They had transcended to a higher plane, entrusting their abandoned homes to illuminate the forest with their lingering presence.

With a newfound appreciation for the mysteries of nature, I quietly retreated from the glen, leaving the bees to their ethereal existence. As I made my way back to my garden, I marveled at the hidden depths of the forest, forever grateful for the glimpse into the magic that surrounded us.

And so, armed with my phone and a heart full of wonder, I continued to explore the enchanting beauty that emerged from the unseen, capturing fleeting moments of the extraordinary world that thrived within the embrace of nature.

I was use here my Samsung A50 phone


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 165 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!

The pictures look so nice
Well, you have never take a bad picture...

Thank you 😁

Awesome photos as always @fox and thanks for sharing every part of it.

Thank you 😁

You've found a real-life hive! 🤣📷

Very true 👌😆... good is that they was not in there when I was find it 😁👌👌

Who knows? Some people say their sting heals. 😇

True ... I have also heard this :) ... so I must try one day and see how it works out when they all come in me :)))

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I was wondering where those bees will be at when you were with their next lol.

I not know where did they go, but it was empty . 🤗

But most people will pass by without noticing. But we are in the Hive, we see a lot :)

It is not important that you are always seen by someone, it is important that you do not stop and try every day to find something new what makes you happy, even if you always fall back into the mud, all time get up and move on.

The photos you took are really nice.

Than you!! ... this are just small garden photos :)

This is looking awesome and pretty in the garden, i liked your small garden is really amzing. ❤️

THank you!!

Very cool!

THanx :)) .... I try soon get more bugs :)) here just was start rain more :)

Great find @foxkoit 🐝😊 it’s an old one. They swarmed further…
Have a nice day!

Thank you!! and you are right what that :))😁

You are welcome 👋🏻😊 enjoy your day