My Name Is Fox and it's time for soup

in #ecency11 months ago

My Name Is Fox and it's time for soup

My Name Is Fox, yet resourceful creature who had a talent for finding the perfect ingredients to create magical concoctions. One chilly evening, while snugly nestled in his cozy burrow, Fox decided it was time to make a hearty soup to warm his bones and revitalize his spirit.

With a glimmer of excitement in his eyes, Fox hopped onto his not-so-secret stash of culinary treasures. His favorite ingredient was the humble plant called nettle, known for its sharp sting but also its immense nutritional value. Fox carefully plucked the nettle leaves, being cautious not to get pricked by their tiny spikes.

As he hummed a merry tune, Fox gathered minced meat, potatoes, beets, garlic, dill, and even a handful of macaroons from his well-stocked pantry. With his ingredients in hand, Fox skillfully prepared the soup, meticulously adding each ingredient to his bubbling pot.

As the aroma of the soup wafted through the air, Fox couldn't help but smile. He knew that nettle, with its abundance of vitamins, would make his soup not only flavoursome but also strengthen his body. He poured the herbs and spices into the pot with utmost care, ensuring that the soup would be a perfect blend of flavors, warmth, and nourishment.

Once the soup had simmered to perfection, Fox ladled it into his favorite white soup plate, feeling his paws tingle with anticipation. He took a cautious sip, and a smile spread across his face from ear to ear. The soup was everything he had hoped for - rich, velvety, and brimming with nutrients.

With each spoonful, Fox could feel the warmth of the soup spreading through his body, imbuing him with renewed energy. In a matter of moments, he could sense the soup's rejuvenating and invigorating effects, making him feel both physically and mentally stronger.

Filled with contentment, Fox savored every mouthful. He relished in the soft crunch of the nettle leaves, the savory depth of the minced meat, the velvety smoothness of the potatoes and beets, and the aromatic combination of garlic and dill. The macaroons added a touch of sweetness, creating an unexpected and delightful contrast to the savory flavors. It was a symphony of taste and nourishment, warming his belly and revitalizing his spirit.

As Fox finished the last drop of soup, he let out a satisfied sigh. He knew that tonight he had created something truly special. The soup had provided not only physical sustenance but also a comforting reminder of the importance of nourishing the body and soul.

With a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, Fox eagerly plotted his next culinary adventure. He would forever be in pursuit of unique and magical ingredients that would ignite the taste buds and bring joy to all who tried his creations. After all, My Name Is Fox, and cooking and photography is my passion.

What's in this soup :

minced meat,
and finally add sour cream on top.

I was use here my Samsung A50 phone to make this small photos.


It seems your a good chef, reserve my own meal for me lol.

Npr ... I be happy to give 🤗
NOw I go test how Discord room works .... have to make problem to see how tings work there .

Looks like you were flagged... 😕

YEp .... it was take me 2 months to get it .... TWO MONTHS

you see lot did not ask what I did . I think you and Beeber was just two of you who was ask what happen what text . not say you did not say what I did .

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 165 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Hey @foxkoit, here is a little bit of BEER from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

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I'd really love to travel out to taste and experience what other countries call soup. When I first read soup in the title, my mind took my to my favorite Nigerian soup; Egusi soup.

This looks great Fox!

Thanx ... I try make more , I have lot this plant here .

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Ahaaa! So you are the one who prepared this delicacy.

The images have filled my mouth with water. I am wanting to have some on my table

Thanx ... food is orginal .... happy to share

Looks delicious 😋

Nice delicacy 🥰

I think I will need to take a class concerning how to make soup from you

Thank you!! .... I am sure when you try ... you get also something very good 🤗