My small and cherished garden

in #ecency11 months ago

My small and cherished garden

In the heart of a dense and enchanting forest, nestled amongst towering trees, lay my small and cherished garden. It was a place where vibrant blossoms mingled with delicate ferns, and where the symphony of chirping birds and rustling leaves created a soothing melody. It was here that I discovered the extraordinary world of tiny creatures, hidden away from the human eye.

One sunny morning, as I tended to my beloved garden, I found myself captivated by the presence of small insects scurrying among the foliage. These tiny bugs glistened like emeralds and had a voracious appetite for anything they encountered. Mesmerized by their minuscule existence and animated movements, I resolved to capture their world through the lens of my camera.

I retrieved my trusty macro lens and embarked on a journey of exploration, venturing into the intricate depths of the garden. With every click of the shutter, the hidden universe of insects unraveled before my eyes. I marveled at the delicate intricacies of their wings, the elegance of their antennae, and the fascinating patterns on their tiny bodies.

As I immersed myself in the art of macrophotography, I stumbled upon an unexpected surprise. On a delicate flower petal, a white spider laid in wait, camouflaged amidst the vibrant blooms. Unlike the bugs that scurried about in search of food, the spider remained still, patiently awaiting its next meal.

Curiosity gripped me, and I observed the spider's incredible hunting skills with fascination. Time and time again, I witnessed the spider's swift movements as it pounced on unsuspecting flies, delicately weaving a web of death. Its translucent legs moved with grace and precision, encapsulating the essence of patience and cunning.

Humbled by the delicate balance of life in my garden, I aimed to capture the hidden drama between predator and prey. With my macro lens, I focused on the spider's predatory prowess, freezing each decisive moment in time. The clicks of my camera seemed to echo through the forest, encapsulating the intimate dance between life and death.

Every day, I ventured into my garden, eager to capture the intricate details that escaped the naked eye. Through the lens of my camera, I discovered a magical world that had always resided within arm's reach, yet had remained unseen. The tiny bugs that once appeared insignificant now shone with purpose and beauty, and the white spider stood as a symbol of nature's ruthless equilibrium.

As I continued to document the hidden wonders of my garden, I realized that macrophotography had become more than just a hobby. It had become an invitation to see the world through a different lens, to appreciate the small and unnoticed, and to find beauty in the most unexpected places.

And so, beneath the verdant canopy of the forest, my small garden became a refuge for both creatures and dreams. It taught me to cherish the nuances of life, to seize extraordinary moments, and to find solace in the simplest of joys. With my small camera in hand, I embarked on a lifelong adventure, forever capturing the stories whispered by nature's tiniest inhabitants.

I was use here my Sony NEX-5T
I use here my Sony 3.5/30 mm Macro lens.


There are times when I wonder what camera you use
It is so lovely

Thank you!! and I think info is in post 👌

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 164 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Hey @foxkoit, here is a little bit of BEER from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

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This spider can change its color depending on the flower in which it lives, an excellent hunter :)


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@life-shturm(4/5) tipped @foxkoit

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Lovely photos taken as always and forever and thanks for sharing.

Thank you 😁👌

The photo with chamomile is so gentle or something, very pleasant.👍

Thank you!! 😁

Lovely pics, wht kind of bug is that with a giant fruit on it's head...

Thank you!! .... and what bug name is ... I not know :)) Sorry

The move of spider is just captured with the macro lens of your camera, along with the garden is more enriched with those tiny little insects.

Thank you😅👌 your words are kind.