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RE: My collection is growing!

in #ecency3 years ago

Good morning Hannes,

Marian, blame Marian as she is the great collector. The lamp is mine, the Nautilus shells and the Chitton shell collection is mine and everything else was collected by the madame.
She thinks that if I can collect a few, then she can collect the ocean 🤣

Your few shells can fill a glass and Marian's collection will soon fill the house 😎

Cheers and thanks.


Always blame the wife, my friend, but I do the same ;) lol
I like shells - they are fascinating creatures and they are beautiful. Some are looking ugly from the outside and when you open them you can see the beautiful mother of perl inside ☺️

Let her fill the house with shells 😁

Cheers and !BEER

Shush Hannes, if she hears this then she will give me an argument that even the mountain goat agrees that she should fill the house with shells. Heaven forbid.
She was already looking at those large Indonesian shells that were turned into chairs for us to sit on in the house🤣

I have some nice videos of shells fighting to steal another shells top. They are indeed fascinating creatures.

Cheers and thanks!

A shell to sit on? Sounds nice 😁

I wouldn't have thought that shells fight. I thought they just sit there where they are and live their life ... fascinating ☺️

Cheers and !BEER

Yes, to sit on and the shells are so big that they even turn them into tables with glass tops.
I have posted about them last year some time.

The house of the shells become damaged by the waves and if a shell has a hole in it's roof, then the owner will searches around for another similar sized house and attacks the owner 🤣
Funny but true.

Cheers and thanks.

Must look cool to have such shell furniture, but I don't think it would suit here in the mountains ... maybe if we had a pool on our balcony 🤣

Shells fighting against each other for a house - fascinating, but sounds familiar 😉

Cheers and !BEER

Agreed, as shells have no place in the mountains and rather old tree trunks carved onto chairs would look much better. Paintings of large forests, rivers, mountains and clouds on the walls and a goat head skull mounted outside above the front door. Now that sounds like a nice place with full bearskin mats in front of the fireplace 🤣

Yep, I think that's where people learned how to fight for houses 🤣

Cheers and thanks!

While reading your words my imagination showed me something or better said someone lying on the bear skin in front of the fire place, and I like what I saw 🤣

Cheers and !BEER

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