Ways to save

in #ecency3 years ago


When asked what to do when money is very rich, most people will buy a good car. I will live in a nice house. Luxury goods; They say they will buy and use famous brands. But a study of the world's richest people shows that they do not spend money on luxuries. They are the ones who save money and spend it. Here are nine of the richest ways to save money in the world.

  1. Buy an ordinary house .....
    Carlos Slim Helu, CEO of Telmex, is listed as the richest man in the world, but still lives in a six-bedroom house that he has lived in for 30 years.

  2. Let me know how to shop .......
    Be careful not to overpay for something you want at the mall.

  3. Think about usage .....
    Think about when and how you will spend your money. Expensive shopping; Do not use for expensive trips. Focus on what you need, and use it wisely. That doesn't mean you can't buy what you want. It means prioritizing what you need over what you want.

  4. coffee, Think twice for tea .....
    coffee, Just saving as much as drinking tea seems like nothing. But if you drink a cup of tea a day, it will cost 15,000 a month. New York Mayor Bloomberg buys coffee when he really wants to.

  5. Ride in a simple line .....
    If you have to travel by plane due to business needs, use Economy class. Even if IKEA co-founder Ingvar Kamprad can ride in Economy class, why not?

  6. Take only one car ......
    Jim C. Walton, Azin Premji, Steve Balmer and Ingvar Kamprad, some of the richest people in the world, all drive cars worth less than $ 20,000. If you use an expensive car, the maintenance cost will be less within a year.

  7. Get Out of Debt
    This can be difficult to follow. Repayment of investment loans can be stressful and difficult to focus on, especially when starting a new business.

  8. Enjoy a little .....
    You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. If you can keep your money under control, your wealth will increase. Sergey Brin, one of the founders of Google, once said that he was raised to be happy, even though he did not have many possessions. His current net worth is $ 22.8 billion.

  9. Don't spend more than you earn .....
    You can't spend everything every 500,000 net months. I go out to eat every night. Don't go for less that your full potential, such as buying new clothing designs. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people.
