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RE: A Skeptic's Read Through Marx: Part 1

in #economics3 years ago

Marx's concepts are built on such flimsy, illogical, foundations that most 5 year old kids would question the veracity of the arguments.

...And then there are the lefties that swallow all the guff, and hail him as a genius - to illustrate just how retarded they must

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I can see the appeal of his arguments, but the reasoning thus far leaves me underwhelmed. I have started reading ahead to Section 2, and there seems little promise of improvement. are destined to be

Have you read it yourself? I can't say I really know much about his work, just know the name.

yup - and the com manifesto - and parts of wage labor and capital - quite a few years ago though.
He really wasn't that intellectually bright, but quite persuasive in writing style - IF you buy into the foundational premises (which are bollocks).

Utopian ideas and ideals are often nice, but when you get down to reality they don't work and that old saying of the road to hell being paved with good intentions makes so much sense.

Except the intentions are not good - the intentions are control over others.
Fear is the unconscious motivator, not some apparent 'conscious benevolence'.

...but it's for their own good...