«Tom.com» "Blockchain stories from the past and something else"

in #economicslast year

陈伟霆献唱献唱四月大片《暴风》主题曲 三版本预售今日开启

«-Network Effect-»


«-Stories and Testimonials-»

"Traffic - Visits - Numbers - Statistics"




"Front-Ends - Back-Ends - Content"



¡Hive "Curators" & Storytellers!

Well, if you have arrived until here without having watched any video so far or having «clicked» yet on any of the links that I have left throughout this post. Then just forget it and don't worry and solely click here to read a post that is truly worth it.

Now, if you have seen at least one of the videos or have already clicked on any of the links. Then just stay in tune with this blog so that you can learn and acquire all the knowledge, wisdom and mastery of this place to quickly succeed on the platform and establish yourself as a big influencer and a future winner within the ecosystem through my next educative posts. ¡Word of your old, friendly, pink and humorous Cranky Gandalf!

Leave a comment. Share your experiences and feedback. ¡Be part of the conversation!


"Follows, Comments, Rehives & Upvotes will be highly appreciated"

Cranky Gandalf



Wow. I am watching that video with Jeff Berwick and Ton', who seems to have been a sort of respected crypto commentator back in 2016. Ton's description of the Ninjamine is spot on. Jeff made 3 BTC off his first post, and that was only ~10% of what he got in Hive for that post. I bet he's kicking himself in the ass over not putting that entire sum into BTC now.

Easy come, easy go. LOL

Anyway, that's a real blast from the past, and I appreciate you posting it.


Anyway, that's a real blast from the past, and I appreciate you posting it.

Hahaha yeah, just wait a bit for me to finish reloading the cartridges with more gunpowder to start writing & doodling the next chapters of this educational series and that the fireworks of the past begin to blast wilder.

yo necesitando dinero

Cómo cuanto dinero estás necesitando mi niña?

como para comprar o arreglar mi cel que esta casi muerto hoy me lo tumbo la niña cuando la iba tomar tiene gripe y sufre de asma ando con el corre corre aca en venezuela no se consigue todo en el mismo lugar

Entiendo, bueno ya que no sabemos todavía a ciencia cierta en cuanto va a salir esa nueva compra o reparación del telefonito que ya tienes, de momento toma manquesea $0,04 centavos de mi voto al 100% de mi poder de voto pa que vayas reuniendo alguito si es que no te lo roban los hampones de spaminator y su pandilla de fascinerosos.

gracias amigo poco a poco se llena el saco la pantalla del cel cuesta 35 dolares en canguro es un redmi 9t y un cel nuevo cuesta entre 70 a140 androi basico lo mas seguro que lo arregle primero debo de curar a mi nena