ECOTRAIN...!Question of the week! # 15... πŸ’“πŸ’”Why do we fall in love with certain people and why it is so hand to get over someone? Maybe it's for love? need? attachment? or habit?πŸ’“πŸ’”

in #ecotrain β€’ 4 years ago

Being in love is one of the most intense sensations that a human being can experience... Basically, it is like floating among the clouds due to the presence of the other person ... It is as if that person were your center of gravity ... What if I've been in love, To be honest, I think so ...

Why do we fall in love? Mainly I believe that human beings are beings that we like to be accompanied and share with other people. I believe that the process of falling in love is linked to several aspects since we are a biopsychosociocultural unit.

We fall in love biologically, this is related to the physical, sexual, and reproductive aspects ... Yes, I know! We can have sex and sexual relations without being in love, but let's be honest, who has not been intimate with that person who tickles your stomach and feels great? Also one of the gestures of being in love and showing love is when two people get together or simply everything flows to have a child. A son is in my opinion the maximum expression of love that two people can show...

We continue with the psychological aspect, every human being likes to be well, feel emotions and feelings of well-being ... At the psychologist level there are thoughts such as idealizing that person and subjectively seeing all their abilities.

There is a fairly popular theory regarding this way of falling in love, most human beings look for people with a certain similarity to the father of the opposite sex ... Attitudes, physical traits and behaviors similar to our parents and this happens that all people have an inner child that always wants to be protected and pleased. This can be a bit strange to explain but I invite you to read a little of this and you will see that it makes all sense.

Loneliness influences a lot, many when asking why do we fall in love? I believe that loneliness is good in certain senses but enjoying company, sharing the day with success and failure is something that creates unparalleled bonds

Certainly not everything is rosy, there are ups and downs, the question is always to get ahead with that person ... They say that love can do everything ... that there are no barriers or obstacles.

The psychological and biological aspects go hand in hand since our body and mind are in love with certain substances and hormones that make us simply feel happy and desired.

Last but not least, the socio-cultural aspect is fundamental ... Most human beings like the recognition of society, that is why when we are adults we seek stability with someone and that someone is the one who makes us feel in love. ..

I am from Venezuela and here is a saying ... If you do not get married before the age of 30 you will stay to dress saints ... This is a cultural aspect ... That is, you must fall in love and form a home in a certain interval of time ... All these influences when one is in love with plans, long-term projects to move forward and that the flame of love does not go out.

On the other hand, we go to the part when things don't go as planned at some point. When it is our turn we separate from someone and therefore we must forget in some way what it was, what it is and what it will be with this person.

My personal anecdote is that I had my first boyfriend when I was 16 years old. To make a short story short, we finished and I had to undergo a process of healing and forgetting because I learned many things that I had no idea of ​​their existence. This was a long process, since with him I lived many moments, anecdotes, experiences that I had never lived with someone

I think that forgetting a person is one of the most painful situations in my opinion because we must build a new reality between bits of bittersweet feelings where this person will not be.

There is also a fundamental variable when forgetting someone. It costs us so much because habit comes into play ...

We simply get used to the company of that person, to their voice, to their gestures, to their thoughts, to that song we listened to or dedicated ourselves to, to everything ... And this in my opinion is one of the things which makes us forget it uphill.

I hope you liked my perception and answer on this question ...

I hope to read them


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Thx for the post. Its similar to this

also if all else fails, you can always make a love tie as the one of

Very good post... I was like read it πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ
And yes love is one strange thing. If it comes then we all smile and hug lot, and if it goes.. we all feel lot pain.