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RE: When Things Become Difficult to Cope with...

in #ecotrain6 years ago

Oh Sharoon, I am so sorry you have had to go through all this pain, but it does sound like you needed to in order to get to where you are now. It is really tough being in a relationship, sharing yourself with someone and that we all change so much, our needs and our desires. becoming a parent definitely is life changing and sometimes we grow together or grow apart and that is okay as long as you are staying true to your self and looking after yourself. Much love and healing and light to you beautiful woman, welcome back we sure did miss you and if you need anything let me know xxx


Aishlinn, you are so right. Being a parent is life changing and brings so much responsibility on our shoulders and minds. It is because of my son that I am not rushing through this and I am so glad and blessed to have him in life because he keeps reminding me to slow down and think rationally. I surely missed you a lot.