Wide Angle Underwater Photography Part 1 - The Basics

in #education6 years ago

This week we are diving into a wide open subject. It’s about understanding the big picture rather than all the macro things in life or underwater.

After spending a good amount of time breaking down all gear, lighting and techniques required to develop your skills and get creative with your macro photography we are now moving onto wide angle underwater image making.

Stellar Sea lion-1.jpg

Let me start off by saying that as with all underwater photography you need to be a good diver first and a photographer second. I touch on this in several of my macro photography posts, but this is immensely important. Wide angle photography come with an inherent set of challenges, so if your planning on “shooting wide”, you best make sure your dive skills are top notch.


Ok, now that we have that out of the way, let’s get started. First and foremost, what is wide angle photography? To create a wide angle image you use a wide angle lens. By definition a "wide angle" lens is any lens with a short focal length. Focal length is the distance, in millimeters, from the optical center of your lens to the sensor when your lens is focused at infinity. Ok, sorry, little bit technical there. Some of the more common focal lengths are the very wide 10mm or 14mm to the less wide 24mm and 35mm.

Practically speaking, here is the important thing to remember: the shorter the focal length of the lens, the wider the field of view, and the more you'll be able to fit in your frame. Typically the first types of wide angle shots that might come to mind are landscapes. Your eyes are capable of taking in nearly 180 degrees of a scene at once and when you've got a beautiful view, you typically want a lens that can capture as much or more than what you're seeing.


Underwater photographers tend to use very wide angle lenses because it allows you to get very close to a subject while still being able to include both the subject and background in the composition.

Giant Pacific Octopus-1.jpg

Shooting wide underwater you quickly learn that it comes with a much steeper learning curve than macro photography how the creative opportunities are endless. There’s more to think about with wide angle due to the balancing of both the foreground and background exposure, using both artificial (strobe) and natural light.

Fried Egg Jellyfish-1.jpg

Fried Egg Jellyfish-2.jpg

Now, onto some basic techniques.

The first and most important rule is get close, limit the amount of water between your lens and your subject.

Try and compose your shots both vertically and horizontally, the results can be extraordinary. A good photographer will shot, review, move, shot, review, move.

Create some contrast, think about your subject its position and its colouration in relation to the background.

Try your best to pre plan your settings, this can be hard if you're new at this type of photography but if your on a trip and as you hit the water a sea lion or whale shark happens to be right there, be ready to get the shot.

Stellar Sea lion-2.jpg

This list is just a start and we will get into more specific techniques and gear for certain types of shits in future posts.

Most importantly, have fun and be creative. Few images draw more emotion than a dramatic wide angle underwater image.

Bull Kelp-1.jpg

Thanks for reading.


For more stories and images - http://www.scottstevensonphotography.ca/


That first picture is amazing. Once in a lifetime shot perhaps. It almost looks Photoshopped the way his face stares into the camera. I love the last photo as well. Noice!

damn Scott here you go again lol

@scottdphoto... What about the contest result?

Working on it, I will have it posted tomorrow, sorry for the delay.

tomorrow!!! 😆😃😂😁

well thanks for sharing it can help ... amazing photography

I couldn't help but share your incredible photos! I'm planing on taking scuba lessons this summer to add to my sailing activity. Great Ptost, great tips and a very professional presentation (emphasis on your logo). <3

Your post was resteemed and upvoted by @knot - a blog designed to connect all sailors on Steemit. Please click here to learn more: https://steemit.com/knot/@knot/join-knot-chat-or-for-sailors-on-steemit

Very beautiful!
And it is very similar to our Far East)

Oh! You are a great dear. Your creativity really impressd me. Your suggestion really help us to capture a creative photos. I can't describe beauty by words because it's one type of feeling which every single people have. This picture is better than better. Perfect Click without any doubt.
Capturing nature in all its glory of own creativity. Travel photography is a genre of photography that may involve the documentation of an area's landscape, people, cultures, customs and history. You have a great theoretical knowledge and experience about to make good photography as well as creative perspectives. Your creative perspectives really impressed me. Because without creative perspectives it is not possible to capture this types of glamorous photography.

Great tips for the mysterious world under the surface. I’ll probably start out with a waterproof phone case seeing how expensive dslr housings can be. Either way, great work and thanks for sharing!

Holy crap, that octopus is majestic

Nice post @scottdphoto wonderful photography under water

Great tips and beautiful photos, thanks!!

That octopus looks like he's about ready to bolt, lovely photo.

Oh my! Those seals are adorable.. are they familiar with divers? They seem to be looking right into the lens and posing! Wide angle lens was great for the shot!

Your photos are amazing! Great tips! I used to dive a lot, but never with a camera. I only have the dives photographed in my memory. It’s an amazing world!

Nice pictures!

amazing photography thanks for sharing....

Diving skill is absolutely necessary for one to successfully perform any activity in the marine world.

Super cool. I wish we had your equipment for photos during our sailing trips.

Simply awesome.

Thanks for sharing...!

excellent publication I loved it.

upvote and resteem done

I'm not a photographer but a few tips from your posts will help me impress others. Haha followed you.

I really enjoy your posts & your photos. Thanks for sharing your adventures!

Fantastic photography, got to love the seals :)

Wow stunning photos! It's always fun to take pictures while diving.

Thanks for more great photos and tips!

As an enthusiastic diver I am always fascinated by your excellent work! The photos are so clear and perfect and every detail is right. I'm looking forward to your next article. Sunny greetings

I am so fascinated by underwater life, I would have loved to be a marine biologist so I really enjoy your posts!

Excellent eye candied shots!

Awesome post! I love learning new photography techniques and you have the most captivating deep sea photos on Steem. You make it look easy. (^_^)

Just out of curiosity, what sorts of cameras are you working with underwater? It's clear you are using wide angle lens, but are you using a GoPro? Or perhaps a regular DSLR with a sealed rigging of some sort?

love ur underwater shootings! i bet its hard to dive and photograph but damn they r amazing especially the jellyfishys

you're such an amazing photographer, will definitely be using some of your tips! :)