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RE: Contemplating On Getting Employed Again

in #employmentlast month

At first the freedom was amazing, you can do anything or nothing at all to your heart's content. It's like escaping the shackles which hold everybody else.

I felt this the first 2 weeks then it waned fast after the first month. It's like a long vacation that I wanted to end because years worth of working habits deteriorated fast.

So here I am, back to work and groaning everytime my alarm goes off. Lol. But it's nice to be back.

I think I'm heading to this place sooner that I thought at the end of the last month of the 3rd quarter probably.


At some point, you will just feel somewhat empty despite having food, nice things, comfort and convenience.

Like you miss interacting with people.

Yeah, first world problem. At least I had the chance to get a glimpse of what it was. 😂

Cheers to a sense of purpose and fulfilment 🥂