Can Something Logical Be Said About Crystals and Chi/Prana Energy?

in #energy11 months ago


We know ourselves as energy via E=MC2 or the food we eat which fuels our bodies and cells. But what about things like chi energy? Prana? Energy channels and chakras? Or what about crystals which have their own vibrational frequencies and are said by some to influence the energies in our body?

When something is said to “work”, as in it has predictive power for a desired outcome (healing via acupuncture, etc.), but can’t be measured effectively with “double blind” scientific studies, I have to wonder if placebo is far more powerful than we understand or if we’re using an invalid measuring tool. Can a ruler measure the depth of love you have for your beloved? Can a calculator determine the impact of an awe-inspiring sunset?

Most of science seems to assume a physical matter reality based on determinism and particles which follow consistent, known paths. Cause and effect is the glue which holds science together to give us reproducibility and a mechanism for disproving our hypotheses. For the most part it works great and gives us engineering and technology and it’s wonderful!

But what if we’re fundamentally wrong about the nature of reality we experience and there’s something more fundamental that physical matter? What if realty is more of a field through which matter emerges based on probabilities and phenomenon we don’t yet understand? What if consciousness is fundamental and matter, at the smallest level, responds to our awareness and observation? Some interpretations of quantum theory seem to imply this. Our attention (and state of attention) seem to influence the path particles take and thus how consistently reproducible an experiment can be.

Back to our understanding of energy and the body. Is something “non-physical” and energetic happening within us when we feel a relational “spark” or have an “electric” interaction? Do the many billions of spiritual and religious people know something science hasn’t caught up with yet regarding our “spirit” or non-physical, energetic nature?

If we are eternal energy beings having a temporary physical experience, is there a purpose to it or is it simply what is? Our understanding of physics tells us energy is never created or destroyed but always conserved, so where did it come from and how did it start? Is “Big Bang” informative enough to explain what’s going on? Might we just as easily speculate that we are “individuated units of singular consciousness within a fractally projected holographic absolute unbounded oneness”?

If I learn techniques to manage and control the flow of energy like chi or prana which results in perceived benefits to my life, does it even matter what science can prove in general? Why not participate in my own scientific hypothesis experimentation within my own subjective experience? We are energy. What words we use to describe it and what we choose to believe about how to influence it may not matter as much as if we’re getting desirable outcomes.

It’s easy for me to judge those who hold their crystals and talk about energies and such in ways I can’t relate to, but maybe that says more about my own judgments and limiting beliefs than it does about anyone else. What can I hold with an open hand and explore with a beginner’s mind?

What are your thoughts on crystals, chi, prana, and other similar “energies”?

(Image created with bing chat)


Modern Materialist Science is completely wrong.
Doctors only look at ⅐th of the body, what do they know about anything?

Some of my views on the subject.

Even after we get science right, we must then learn that this is only the base state in our current area of the galaxy. It is not the same everywhere, and we can cause it to change here.

The Placebo Effect is much mightier than you can imagine.
All that many people need to heal is permission.
Heal anything. Like, Tumors disappearing. Skin tags just fall off. Wheelchair bound person gets up and walks.
All healing comes from the body. What doctors do is muck around enough so that the body can heal.

Of course, most doctors treat symptoms with medicine to control the symptom.
Never actually working on the problem. But, how can they when they ignore most of the body?

The problem with double blind studies is that they do not account for the patients belief in the procedure.

And with acupuncture things get really weird... when trying to measure results. First, the results are not on the physical layer where scientists measure. And the effect may be such that it allows the patient to easily have surgery that heals the trouble. Without the acupuncture, the surgery would have failed. But how do you measure that?

Well, we will start developing means to see the other layers of the body, then we can say we started learning about the body. Allopathic, rock-e-fellow snake oil salesman, medicine will be considered worse than using leaches.