Where my heart belongs. (microblog+photography)

in #english6 years ago

It's hard to explain, but I'm not one of those people who always feel comfortable wherever, however, and although it sounds corny, I found a home away from home.

Although it took me a while to get in confidence, when I finally did it felt like love at first sight. Soon my new friends became my sisters and their parents in mine, teachers who became more than a good influence and became my main role models.

I like to think of my ballet school as a magical place where all your dreams become true, even if the reality is not magical and behind that fantasy facade is the arduous and little rewarding work of all those who give their lives to keep alive the essence of the art and the legacy left by the school in ballet.

People never understand why between parties, walks and leisure time, I always put the ballet on top of everything, maybe they think I am a bitter person or even a little asocial, but I would bet my life that those who can't understand my priorities have not yet found that "something" that they're passionate about and make them feel complete. For those people my wish is that, someday, they can find it.

If I start to tell all the things that my school has gone through, I'll never end, It's been tragic, like a novel. So I better leave you some pictures.

I took these pictures with a Blackberry (yes, they still exist in third world countries) , and I'm not a photographer either, do not be hard on me.

I present to you the different views from the halls of my beloved Ballet-Art School located in the PH of one of the residential towers in Parque Central, Caracas, Venezuela.





This last photograph is without a doubt my favorite, every afternoon I see more and more beautiful sunsets, but unfortunately I don't have my hone anymore to capture them.


Home is where one finds himself. Pictures are so beautiful. Thanks for sharing.🙂

Thanks for your comment!

If your passion is also your priority, then you got your priorities on the right path!
Enjoy as much as you can this stage in life. Friends, their families and teachers... all of them are there to support you... times flies! make it count!
The best camera is the one you got with you, never forget that, Patricia!
Your photos are amazing! what a lovely view you can enjoy :D