There are only 2 ways to have enough, but....

in #enough7 years ago

There is a long story about only two ways to have enough. One is the unending conquest to have more. More money, more sex, more house, more status, more whatever. The other is simply to declare that you now have enough, and draw a line for yourself that this is the point where you're willing to be satisfied.

I'm a dude. Just a plain normal dude. If it wasn't for wife and children i could live in a tent. Worst case a dorm. I like being fed, but I don't need much space above a bed, a computer desk, a bathroom, and a communal kitchen.

That said, I have more than enough. I'm lucky enough to be a phd with 20 years of experience. I've been a college professor. I'm a lucky guy. The challenge is no longer having enough. The two options presented from what I grew up with don't seem to work. The question always struck me as a material wealth thing. Always in the constant struggle for more money to buy whatever. I'm not much interested in that. Actually, I kinda hate it.

The world is run by immoral banksters, and every time, literally every single time, I do any transaction or hold onto one of their fiat debt notes I know that I empower them. This is a crushing realization to me. When I pay my mortgage, taxes, energy bill, buy gas, or do anything with their notes I give them power. Power that I know they missue mostly to kill dark skinned people in third world nations to take resources that don't belong to them. It's a wicked system. My answers are to make daily change to not consent and to not participate.

I'm bummed I don't have a Mayflower I can hop onto and find a new world. I suppose I could do what the US forefathers did and just find a different spot and murder everyone there, but I have this stout belief in the importance of peace. But then too the most recent Mad Max movie has my brain all twisted. They go through literal hell to escape an oppressive shithouse dictatorship only to turn around to take it back over because you gotta clean up where you came from. Have you seen the sprawling government that impacts trillions of dollars... how the fuck do you clean that up?

Anyway, despite wanting to earn some stake around here my end game isn't wealth. What would I do with it? I just want to live peacefully in a shitty dorm room with a nice comp. It's not like it's that expensive a lifestyle. So, I'm not pursuing economically speaking a financial enough. I'm pursuing a world where I can say I've done enough to change it. I suppose I could just be content with what's around me, but there's this burning passion inside to leave something different. Every night as I went to bed my mother would say "Leave this place better than you found it." The message is right and its advice I'll gladly follow.

I guess my ultimate fear is to myself and to my one day woke ass kids. They'll turn to me and say "dad, you knew about the way the world works? What did you do about it?" I want an answer worthy of the beauty they bring to my world. Maybe that day won't come, and I'm just pressuring myself... idk... but for now it isn't enough.

This world is broken, it has to change, and that change has to start with me. Until it does change I don't think it'll be enough. So, I'll see you tomorrow. And the next day. And the next day. When my kids and your kids can hold hands around the world and live with peace, abundance, and liberty I'll call it quits. Until then I have this idea I've been thinking about...


Naturally humans are insatiable and so, enough is just an imagination. Sometimes it beat my imaginations to even imagine how rigged the world financial and political systems are, even if humans tend not to get enough, morality, sanity and modesty should be a guiding light to those few that want to make a change.

The human moral decadence is alarming, greed, huge decay in standard and nobody really cares, everybody want those good cars, sexy girls, beautiful mansions, that flash life, influence and affluence.

The world needs some waking it, i can't change the world totally but i will give my very best and whatever i fail to do my children and generations after will do it.

It's 6:50am over here in Nigeria, thanks for inspiring my morning @aggroed

I think the system created around us defines our actions so much. Our current system is one creates poverty. I like steem because it creates abundance. I think if we can get enough people to chose a different alternative that this world can change and how we interact with one another can be so different.

Yes, and it's great that a lot of creators are in abundance for maybe the first time in their lives. This is so revolutionary, as in the "real" world, I find that the wrong people are wealthy. When the generous people are wealthy, I feel that abundance can have a fighting chance.

When the system itself induces genorosity and that system is wide spread I'll spend my days taking pics of my kids and deep belly laughing at nothing.

ha ha! I think the trick will be this: once people get a taste of freedom (caused by not having to go to a soul-sucking job), will they become generous or thirst for more wealth?

The change is on already, blockchain is a symbol of freedom, liberty and abundance given by Satoshi Nakamoto to the world. The world system which gives the 1% out of 100% the power to dictate and control the other 99% is rigged from it pioonering stage, revolution against this system is on already.
All the 99% needed was just a leading step towards freedom, blockchain has shown the world that step.

It hurts to know 98% of the 99% are still in the dark not seeing the light. The world is still sleeping obviously and it's our duty to wake the world up to this wonderland.

It's kinds stupid for pursue money for the sake og getting more money. As I see it, I want to become 'rich' in order to gain my freedom, to gain influence.

I've always pondered at the opportunities that lie around if you have enough resources. I hope I'll get to explore these opportunities one day.

Btw. Having enough is far better than most people :)

I think it's admirable that you've grown past "having enough", and instead are changing the world for the better. I'm the same way. The world has grown into such a chaotic place that we need everyone we can, to help make it better. Even if that means spreading a little positivity or giving compliments to people, it's things like these that will change it for the better. I'm always optimistic and spread positivity wherever I go and I like to think the way I'm living my life is helping others so that they can do the same. You want to make the world a better place because you were here. If everyone spreads that message and takes action, we can make it happen.

Thanks for your thoughts on this. I struggle with it myself. Part of me wants to make tons of money and by a house on an island one day, but would that really make a difference? And help fix the problems we have? Probably not

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelings with us, I agree with a lot of what you are saying.

Same thought like you mate, if it was just me, I would love to live freely in the nature with a tent!
Great thoughts!

I am learning to starve the beast... Debt is the master and as long as we feed into it all we become the slaves of it. I could write a book on just how far we have came as a nation in 10- 20-30-40 etc years on folks not understanding that when we don't stop and take a look back at what we allow we are the ones to suffer for it, without that look back we can't see a future for the next generation to have a future. Sharing for others....

Yeah, people are starting to submit papers that might actually be working to the corporate government that the mortgages are illegal and fake. Allegedly they are starting to have success. That would be a game changer. Finances are the heart of this thing, and crushing lending would end it overnight.

One of the major benefits I see with the block chain technologies is the visual non controlling aspects of any government being able to manipulate the data and the documents since it is stored all over the place. See if the light is shined into all corners of government then there is less likely places for their theft to be hidden.

Nicely said , I do agree with it , Perfectly written , good keep sharing with Steemit Community

yes verygood

Nice musing my friend, I tend to think in a very similar way to you and often contemplate where is all this heading. I feel sorry for the young people on this little rock and the mess they are being left with. I think we are heading for a massive inflection point in humanity and it might not be a bad idea to pitch your tent and just stay out of the way. Thanks for sharing. Cheers

Hopefully it's the dawn of the golden age. Otherwise I have a fear that I'll be trading smokes with you a fema camp :) but I think the fear path is getting shut down.

I myself don't fear the future, I'm am prepared for either outcome my friend, I have had a good life so far. My only fear is for the young and not yet born. We and our selfish attitudes are trashing this beautiful planet and treating it like a garbage can, and they will be left with the bill whatever form that will take. Cheers

Respect to you , we all just want a simple life ..

Thanks for your wonderful thoughts..

I am happy with your analysis and glad to understand that you wish to see love and peace in this world. Evolving should be our nature. So keep the spark alive. Keep on sharing your mind and heart. Thanks.

I have similar views to yours, that probably goes with maturity. Sometimes I wonder can we change anything... no we can't if we are alone, as individuals. If we somehow start to change views of people that surround us, those closest to us, then we started ripple effect. More people aware of injustices more changes to come... I think population is still cocooned in too materialistic world, but soon, I think very soon something will have to change or break! We'll see...

This world is broken, it has to change, and that change has to start with me.

I don't know if we can do it, but I am certainly willing to give it my best... at age 57. Sometimes it saddens me that I did not choose to be a more active change agent before now, but I think better late than never.

What can we do? We live in a world where the majority has been sold a bag of goods called "fear of scarcity," but actually we live in a world of plenty. But if the public knows it is a world of PLENTY... who will be driven by fear to hoard everything from power, to property, to goods, to wealth? If people are not afraid, they can't be controlled. When people are not afraid... they will embrace "enough" voluntarily (unless they are mentally ill) and the insanity will end.

But moving beyond fear... that's a tall order.

Think inside the box, think outside the box... life still revolves around "the box." What we must be willing to see is that there IS no box to be "in" or "outside" of.

Well said @denmarkguy. The acorn looked at the mighty oak and asked how do I grow to be like you, you stand your ground in spite of what the world throws at you...

such a beautiful post with so much to gain from it.

I agree...and let's just burn that whole Mayflower thing out of memory shall we. it was a disgusting time then. lol

I wish you could bring about the desired change. The world system is desperately wicked and corrupt unending. Have a different world designed and built by devine. The supreme creator. GOD.

The fucked up part is that we have that. We're all divine creators here. The challenege is that collectively this is the world we chose to build and live under. Maybe it's a lesson. I don't know, but hopefully we can collectively build something different.

I dont agree less

I'm also feed up with out the world is run. Thank you for sharing this awesome piece. It touched me a lot.

Steem really gives me hope! I mean the whole cryptocurrency space...

yeah. I think it's the best tool in our toolbox right now. Glad to be on this journey with you brother!

such a beautiful post.looking beautiful with rose

Nice pictures and findings Very good and interesting post.

This is why I live in a tool trailer I built from second hand bedframes, and built this:


"Be always sure you are right, then go ahead." - Davy Crockett

Great point you have here, but the whole world united in 'peace, abundance and liberty' is kind of a pipe dream I can't afford to have. Knowing what I do about the base nature of the heart of man, I'll say though we shouldn't settle for a failed system imposed on us (it's been here long and it's roots are strong), we should aspire for something much better not something impossible in our present world.
I could easily draw the line and say enough, but my enough may not necessarily give me the power I need to cause significant impact. So I want more, much more and much better and while I'm getting it will do what little I can.
Nice inspiring writeup @aggroed

Well, hopefully it isn't a pipe dream so much as an action plan. Your way sounds like a get to the top and change it from within. I"m skeptical, but I wish you well.

I feel like your post hits on 2 of our basic human motivations - Need for Contribution & Need for Significance. Sure we have other needs that must be met: Shelter, Food, Safety, etc. How many in society can be satisfied with enough in those basic areas, and move on to these other, more existential needs? It probably depends on the society.
Thanks for putting up something that gets me thinking in the right direction on a Saturday morning!

@aggroed FYI: My article proposing a fix for the SP Delegation Loophole. Hope it helps. Followed. Voted!

I was curious if you could help my Steemfest2 Giveaway get as much exposure as possible:

I related to post on all the levels, as I too, am fine with a computer a desk and a roof. But this really resonated, and I have that same pressure:

"dad, you knew about the way the world works? What did you do about it?"

Having a child forced me to think about the world's condition for my child. It forced me to consider ALL CHILDREN. I have the same ideas about peace, too.
This was very thought-provoking. Thanks.

I truly hope we meet someday. I'll be there with tea and a warm hug.

The great thing is, Steemit has so much potential to change the world. We are all connected on this system, and if someone or some people were hurting on one side of the world, and we pulled together our money, we could totally make an impact.

There is so much corruption around the world, but then again there are so many good people out there... people like you! :) We all just have to keep fighting.

BTW... I didn't know you were a professor... what did you teach? Also, I gave you a shout out on my latest post. Thanks for being an awesome person. :)

Respect,peace,love and abundance to you!

Congratulations! This post has been upvoted from the communal account, @minnowsupport, by aggroed from the Minnow Support Project. It's a witness project run by aggroed, ausbitbank, teamsteem, theprophet0, and someguy123. The goal is to help Steemit grow by supporting Minnows and creating a social network. Please find us in the Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network (PALnet) Discord Channel. It's a completely public and open space to all members of the Steemit community who voluntarily choose to be there.

If you like what we're doing please upvote this comment so we can continue to build the community account that's supporting all members.

At what point in our lives do we go from wanting to be the hero and save a life to wanting to be fulfilled personally by saving the world with a bigger purpose? Not sure when it occurs, never soon enough. Being simple with a family matters little. What matters is your talents and how you choose to make them count for the greater good, so tell us about this idea?

Nice. I like your post. I know the struggle. It's nice that you have a family . It's nice to know there are others like you out there. I hope the best for you and your family. T.D Jakes said you were planted at a specific time in a specific place for a specific purpose. that means that each one of us is where we are supposed to be. We were given every talent and skill we needed for the specific purpose we were planted for. So it does us no good to worry about how messed up the world is. All we can do is figure out how to do the best with where and what we have. When we Excel at doing that then our efforts change the world :-)

Yeah. I have beliefs somewhere in that spectrum for sure. Followed.

@aggroed My critical blockchain intel analysis and report on EOS's possible disruption of Steem and Bitcoin. The Steemit Inc 2017 Roadmap and Steem-Dev priorities may need to be rethought and reset to address what appears to be a real threat - unless Ned worked out something with Dan that is going to keep Steem's head above water?

Just found You. Great blog. :)

This is your Mayflower. This is your New World.