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RE: EOS Announcement From Consensus 2017

in #eos7 years ago (edited)

Hi @joseph & @roelandp, just a head's up. @Crypt0 was forced to take his Consensus recordings down from YouTube. I'm not sure if Twitter/Periscope might do the same, so you might want to proactively remove it from Periscope.

I was just listening to @Crypt0's latest YouTube video that he posted this evening - Coindesk, who hosted Consensus 2017, went on a super offensive, they first contacted @Crypt0, and then they flagged @Crypt0's YouTube account for copyright infringement and got his ability to livestream suspended for three months!

Link to @Crypt0's video on Steemit

At minute 21:23, he begins to tell the story of how his ability to livestream got taken away. He specifically states the removal at minute 26:24.

(reply from @jesta's Chainbb)