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RE: How To Earn Interest On Your EOS Tokens Using Chintai

in #eos6 years ago

Hi there, thanks, great suggestion this Chintai lending, I will have to see it again in the weekend ... you mention scatter desktop?! does that work well with chrome if you have already scatter chrome-extension already installed? do you have any tutorial how to delegate BP votes into chrisjsconey account?


Hi @camendes70! I`m here to help :) If you want to delegate, please make a comment (for example replay to this one) like this:
I want to delegate X sp to @user
Where X is the amount of SP and @user is the steem user you want to delegate to. For example:
I want to delegate 100 sp to @marketingmonk
@tipU will answer with a delegation link. Hope this helps!:)

please watch the video then read my comment, no one did talk about SP