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RE: DO NOT Buy EOS !!! Your $$$$ is Needed Elsewhere!

in #eos7 years ago

Ok .. a little game ..

QUESTION: Do you think EOS is 'currently' (after the Chinese Crash), priced correctly, and now is the time to get back into the ICO?

Answer Yes or 1 ... No or 0 Below!


As much as we love TheMan you should wait a while. Do not buy anyone Christmas presents this year, and put all your money in on Dec 23rd - all the EOS available on that day shall be yours! :-)



.. BUT! .. there are many days to go before the end of the ICO. I want to see EOS be a huge success, but the start of this ICO will leave many 'enthusiasts' pissed off for a very long time! Will disgust and waning interest, bring the price lower, or will that be blown away by announcements, like the recent early release of the SDK?

I think the announcements will cause the price to go up substantially from here, during the ICO .. so it's time to buy back in.


Neo is going to be the officially recognized platform of China! ;-) .. with the support of the Chinese people welcomed, and aggressive moves made against both Bitcoin and Ethereum, and EOS indirectly, the end of the western offerings is nigh! Wait till they shut down Hashnest! LOL

.. actually, I have no idea .. I just thought NEO was supercool.

Dollar cost averaging is built right in to this ICO! LOL .. so it doesn't much matter if you buy now or later, as long as you buy all the in-between as well. ;-)

But seriously, have to say No, because there will definitely be more opportunities to buy in cheaper, and it is best to put all your money in on a single day, than spread it over time. KEEP AN EYE OPEN FOR THAT DAY!