Running errands leads to trying something new!

in #esteem6 years ago

I was out and about the other day running some errands for my wife. I needed to head to the meat market to get some chicken and bacon.

The meat market is like a toy store for me, and I quite frequently end up coming home with much more than was originally intended to acquire.

This trip was no exception. There was a beer I had seen advertised that I thought might be cool to try sometime. I quickly looked for it in the coolers, but they didn't have it.

I proceeded back to the meat counter and got the three pounds of their house made bacon that I needed. Additionally, I got the ten pound bag of boneless skinless chicken breasts that we needed.

I have mentioned this before, but my wife doesn't eat beef, so we find ourselves eating a lot of white meat chicken and turkey. We buy the ten pound bag from the market and I trim the pieces cutting away the extra fat, skin, and "scary parts".

Then I break down the breasts even further into small chunks or butterfly'ed pieces that we can marinate and grill. We also buy a lot of ground turkey and chicken from the meat market. We vacuum seal the chicken and bacon into individual portions so it is easy to grab some out of the freezer and heat it up on a per meal basis.

I am a big fan of beef, but I don't really miss it as much as I thought I would. I still get to eat beef occasionally and the rest of the time, I know I am eating far healthier than I would have been.

Even though it takes a while to cut everything up and vacuum seal it, my wife enjoys the convenience when it comes meal prep time. I also purchased some bratwurst that looked exceptionally good. Two chicken "brats" and two garlic pepper "brats".

I was a little bummed I wasn't able to find the beer I was looking for, so after leaving the meat market, I went around the corner to the party store. The party store I picked used to be my favorite when I lived in that part of town. They had a huge selection of beers and liquor as well as some fresh produce and other items.

It had a great feel to it, like a working mans(womans) store, where they stop on their way home to get whatever they wanted to drink that night and the head of lettuce that their partner asked them to pick up.

Sadly it has been purchased by a larger liquor store chain and it has since lost some of the charm it used to have. The town already had a more upper class store like this and now it has two...

I was able to find the beer I was looking for though so that was a plus! On the way out, the beer I have pictured caught my eye though. I grabbed a six pack of that as well and headed to the counter.

Neither of these beers are something I would purchase on a regular basis, which is probably good because they are both seasonal. Coming in at a whopping $11 US per six pack they are actually on the lower side of the craft beer price scale.

Bell's Pooltime Ale is a Belgium style wheat beer with a hint of Michigan Cherry Juice. Being a Michigan brewery, it uses cherries that were grown in my great state. You can taste them immediately though they are not overpowering. Despite its darker color in the picture, it actually ended up being a light refreshing summer ale.

If you like fruity beers like Cherry Wheat or the like, and you happen across Bell's Pooltime Ale, you might just want to give it a try!


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Thank you!

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Awesome, thank you so much!

Looks like an interesting beer… I'll have to give it a try!

I am not sure what their distribution is like because they are based in Michigan, but if you can find it I say go for it!

I might have a job getting my hands on it then… but you never know!

This sounds like a beer that I would absolutely love. I am a huge fan of beers with a hint of fruit. We have a "Shocktop Ale" here that specializes in these and they have a wheat beer with orange that is great and an ale with raspberry that I love. I also know your pain with the shopping. When it comes to meat, I always end up buying too much. I can't even go into the store for milk without walking by the meat department and looing for sales.

Love Shocktop! I have had it many times before. Only the original though. I haven't branched out into any of the other ones. I remember when Blue Moon first came out and it was so different from everything else that was on the market. Funny how things have changed so much since then!

beer is very fitting in drinking in cold weather and I often do that, but I have not tried that beer because in my country there is no brand

Yeah, it is local to the area where I live. I am sure there are others similar to it out there.

I almost got acused of alcholism cause of the beers I drink with these temperatures 😂 a good cold beer is the best for me with this weather. When I am on holiday I always tend to go for the local beers to try. Cheers !!

Oh for sure! There is nothing better than cracking open a nice light beer after you finish mowing the lawn. I usually save the porters and stouts for Wintertime. It probably won't hydrate you at all, but it will definitely make you feel better despite the heat!

@bingbabe sends me to the shops as like you she comes back with 10x the stuff she set out too. I get just what she wants and no more!

Haha, that is funny! I am pretty letter of the law unless it is the butcher shop!