Yagodka - malinka

in #esteem6 years ago (edited)

I swarmed in my photos, and found very interesting shots. At once I remembered the village, the garden near the hut and a lot of berries on the tree. It took a lot of time to get in. But then I did not think that such moments were forgotten very quickly and stayed only in memory. well, climbed a tree and kushaesh a lot how much will fit cherry, sweet cherry, and then to the last strawberry fixed and now naealsya.A when all the blossomed, the fruit is all in konkurvatsiyah, and then you wonder what would now the same cherish pecked or another You do not have to wait yet. winter will come, behind the window a blizzard and a blizzard, and you sit in a chair under a warm blanket, with a cup of hot tea that also with jam. Generally beauty.


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