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RE: [Freewrite] Power up and ready to vote

in #esteem5 years ago

Thank you for the tag, your support, and this interesting post, @davidke20. I play this game on a fine line too. I have three accounts I work and I am almost ready to add the fourth. I will decide and add the next account in May perhaps. Since I post frequently, these accounts are a lot of work, so I do not want to over-extend.

I am all in for steem even though I "harvest" money out each week. I try to keep my sp growing even though I use the steem and I have 50 different strategies for that. Some work and I keep doing them. Some are sub-par, so I try to stop lol.

So my strategy is different from someone who is powering down and walking away. In my experience of being here 2 years, many of those people will come back when prices rise with regrets for not posting now. Time will tell. but I will still be here posting for as long as I can :)


50 strategies 😅 that seems killing a lot of fun. I have trouble to keep my follower nowadays, this post for example is my fourth of the day. My supporter started to question my motive of posting. Frankly, this is just not other than the day one have many things to say. I do post daily, but I certainly can't do 4 in a day all the time. Still got a job to fullfil though. Saw your Bangkok post from the food account this morning. Nice beer!