Buongiorno Amici !
I invite you to take a cup of coffee with me at the tiny terrace of this lovely french café in our beautiful city Annecy =))
Je vous invite à partager avec moi une tasse de café sur la minuscule terrasse de ce joli café de notre belle ville d'Annecy ;-)
Let's take a look inside...I think it is worth the visit =))
Jetons un coup d'oeil à l'intérieur...je crois que ça mérite une petite visite ;-)
The small outside terrace viewed from the inside ...
La minuscule terrasse exterieure vue depuis l'intérieur...
So ... does it tempt you? ^_^ Alors...ça vous tente ?
Follow us for funny gnomely adventures =))
Hola @luigi-the-gnome,gracias por la invitación ,me encanta el capuchino,con mucha espuma,yo también te hago una invitación a mi blog para contar con tu valiosa apreciación ,saludos y feliz tarde
Si, un capuchino,con mucha espuma para la señora ! =))
Gracias ,genial para esta hora,saludos
My dear Luigi this place looks so beautiful
I'm happy to share here a coffee with you nice Lady ! =))
How lovely this coffee shop looks!!!
Yes!!! I would love to enjoy a cup of coffee with you! ❤️
and we could celebrate dog day...i've heard this is the day of the dogs today...or maybe itwas yesterday, I don't remember =))

Ohhh it could be so niceee! :)
Come on.. I wanna one.. Please. Haha
Un café pour Monsieur ! =))
Thanks for the resteem and vote… got the message, don't know when, but keep an eye on the updates of the directory ;)
Haha you are nice, there was no message included but now that you tell me...=D
I don't know why but you seem familiar to me ... hmmm...I think I know who you are @anonyvoter...well, I could be wrong ...but I will remain silent as a grave
do you ? ;-)
Beautiful place Luigi. I wonder how big or how tall the gnome is , I didn't know he can fit your table top.