in #esteem6 years ago (edited)

They are really "chicken-surprises" (like kinder-surprises), but not only for kids, and with a real "gift" inside!

They are so nice and appetizing.
Walking near chicken shelves, we already imagine our tasty dinner.
And not all of us wants to imagine all the truth about them.

I knew and understood that in the modern world of chemistry that has penetrated in all speheres of our life, it's very hard to find soemthing natural and safe, but when you see the whole truth by your own eyes, it just shocks.

This investigation was made by a man who came to work in one of supermarkets. Final results have got public access.

So he worked as a grill cooker. It was ok, until one day a new device was brought there.

He was explained, that it's their new "assistant" that would realize a new technology of chicken cooking -

filling meat with a special liquid!

It's the package of this "magic liquid"

Ingridients: acidity regulator, stabilizer, thickeners, dextrose, salt, flavoring, antioxidant.

It's called "Functional food supplement".
So easy, not to frighten people too much.


According to the Register of Russian Control, this powder is used as a thickener, stabilizer in the form of brine for extrusion, massaging in the production of ham sausages, meat delicacies, semi-finished products from meat, chicken.

It contains Toxic elements (mg / kg): lead 2.0, arsenic 3.0, cadmium 1.0, mercury 1.0.

This powder is mixed in a ratio of
45 g of powder / 40 g of salt / 300 g of water.

It's a chicken BEFORE


The weight has become much more!


Then chickens are fried.

The gel turns into something like silicone, and is somewhat similar to chicken fat.

This is a transparent jelly - not chicken juice, but the same gel.

SO how to distinguish a normal chicken from a "jelly" one?

Frozen chicken is 99% "upgraded'.
its features are: too thick wings and legs.

Another feature is the punctures.
Pay attention to the skin of the chicken. If the chicken is chipped, there will be holes on it.




Oooh my goodness!! Thank you so much for this information SiSTAR I will definitely be looking VERY closely at the skin of chicken I buy for the puncture holes, this is sickening!!

yeah, dear, we must be attentive, money-hunters are have no stops..

you call your own chickens "chicken-bitches" (adore this name and your humour:)), but in fact real chicken-"bitches" are made for us by market "masters"..

Oh so funny, and so true! I love you Talia <3 <3 <3 <3 Humour is so needed to be able to handle all of the evil in the world...You get this. You understand. <3 <3

Ох уж эти добавки...
Та делают не только с цыплятами, кстати. Но куриное мясо очень сильно забирает в себя воду.

откуда у вас эти сотни голосов за 3 коп?)
какие-то паровозики?и я еще вам коммент писала о делегировании СГ на голосе, вы не видели его?

Я даже вроде отвечал про делегирование СГ на голосе. Сейчас посмотрю и продублирую тогда.
Насчет паровоза... я иногда тоже задаю себе такой вопрос. :) Кто-от его на меня напускает.

Да, есть такое на голосе. Вроде делегируют, естьтакое дело на голосе..
Я там мало-мало по посту в день дублирую из Стимита.

This is good info. Why must the modern world of profit hunting come with so many hazards. Who thinks that making money by robbing society of health is a reasonable idea?

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Какая жесть! А я думала их при выращивании кормят химией и всё, а тут ещё и накалывают ядом)
Благодарю, я скинула эту инфу своим мясоедам.
го веган короче XD

Как хорошо, что у меня есть родители, которые периодически снабжают органическим мясом!!! Я в шоке от статьи. Ужас.