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RE: Expectation Management

in #expectations10 months ago

Far better to deconstruct what they did right in their win and find ways to replicate that..

I agree completely. When I was in the service, I found the people that were the most successful and looked to replicate what they did. I picked their brain for knowledge and resources they learned from. When I left the service, I did the same. It paid dividneds for me. If you want to be someone who has a good job that pays well, you don't listen and follow the guy flipping burgers at McDonalds smokes meth on his break.


Exactly. And you know what? I'm willing to bet that those people you questioned, were only too happy to share their knowledge with you. They were likely relived to finally meet someone who had a genuine interest in how they did it, instead being bitterly jealous at their success.

I'm never jealous when someone finds success because I know a lot of preparation, hard work, and a little luck, went into it. Cheering on their win not only makes them feel good, but it can make them want to help you to do the same even more. When someone succeeds against long odds, it inspires me, and is social proof that if they could roll up their sleeves and get it done, so can I. :)